本文介绍了Netbeans Java控制台编码UTF-8和Umlauts的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的问题是关于一个使用NetBeans 7.4编写的Java程序.显然存在编码问题,因为我需要处理包含特殊字符(äüöÄÜÖß)的德语输入.


String fileText = new Scanner(file, "UTF-8" ).useDelimiter("\\A").next();


Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in, "UTF-8");
userQuery = scanner.nextLine();

Input: könig
Output: k�nig




System.setProperty("console.encoding", "UTF-8");





至少在我的系统(Windows 10上为Netbeans 8.1)上,Netbeans控制台令人困惑地将 UTF-8用于输出(这就是为什么您的输出适用于UTF-8输入文件的原因),但是使用了 Windows-1252进行输入. (对于 POLA 来说是如此:)


Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in, "Windows-1252");







My problem ist about a little java program written using NetBeans 7.4. There is obviously an encoding issue since I need to handle German input containing special characters (äüöÄÜÖß).

Reading in text from files works like a charm, special characters are saved and displayed as expected:

String fileText = new Scanner(file, "UTF-8" ).useDelimiter("\\A").next();

However I also need to read the user input from console - in this case I only care about the one in NetBeas itself since this code will not be used outside the IDE. Entering special characters here leads to the usual symbols (box, question mark) instead of the umlauts.

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in, "UTF-8");
userQuery = scanner.nextLine();

Input: könig
Output: k�nig

I have been stuck on this for quite a while now, having tried every option Google brought my way, but so far no luck. Most people seem to have fixed this by changing the standard encoding (Project Properties -> Sources -> Encoding), which is already set to UTF-8 though.

There is no issue using those characters in any other way, such as saving them in strings or printing them to the console. So the issue seems to be with the NetBeans console encoding setting.

I tried manually changing that without any luck. I'm not sure this setting even affects the NetBeans console, since trying to access the console object just returns null.

System.setProperty("console.encoding", "UTF-8");

Anybody have an idea where to look next? I have already exhausted all Google searches (not much useful on pages > 5, as always).



I have also been confused by I/O encoding in the Netbeans console window for years, and have finally found out why.

At least on my system (Netbeans 8.1 on Windows 10), the Netbeans console confusingly uses UTF-8 for output (that's why your output works for UTF-8 input files), but uses Windows-1252 for input. (So much for POLA :)

So if you change your scanner to use that encoding

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in, "Windows-1252");

everything should work fine. Or you can tell Netbeans to use UTF-8 as console input encoding by adding


to the variable netbeans_default_options in etc/netbeans.conf (in Netbeans installation directory).

For maximum consistency with running the app from the system command line, I would have preferred to use Windows-1252 (or rather IBM850) as Netbeans console encoding on Windows. But Netbeans seems to ignore the given switch for the console output, it always uses UTF-8, so that is the best we can do.

I really like Netbeans, but I'd wish they would clean up this mess...

这篇关于Netbeans Java控制台编码UTF-8和Umlauts的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 12:14