

我有一个unorder列表,并且经常(但并非总是!)出现在字符之间有两个空格的地方。这是什么原因造成的,我该如何预防它? 解决方案


  • / li>

  • HTML或脚本源文件存储在错误的编码中(例如Windows-1252而不是UTF-8) - 请确保它保存为UTF-8文件。该设置通常位于另存为...对话框中。

  • 在线来源(如小部件或RSS源) t服务UTF-8

I have an unorder list, and � often (but not always!) appears where I have have two spaces between characters. What is causing this, and how do I prevent it?


This specific character � is usually the sign of an invalid (non-UTF-8) character showing up in an output (like a page) that has been declared to be UTF-8. It happens often when

  • a database connection is not UTF-8 encoded (even if the tables are)

  • a HTML or script source file is stored in the wrong encoding (e.g. Windows-1252 instead of UTF-8) - make sure it's saved as a UTF-8 file. The setting is often in the "Save as..." dialog.

  • an online source (like a widget or a RSS feed) is fetched that isn't serving UTF-8


08-15 12:10