

我试图在Visual Studio 2010中使用Lua + Luabind创建一些HelloWorld。我从下载了Lua src,并添加了它源文件到项目中。然后,我下载并添加的来源。 Finaly添加了main.cpp。所以后试图编译项目,并得到错误在大多数所有luabind文件:

I trying to make some HelloWorld with Lua + Luabind in Visual Studio 2010. I downloaded Lua src from here and added it's source files into project. Then I download and added source of luabind. Finaly added main.cpp. So after that tried to compile project and got errors in mostly all luabind files:

error C3861: 'lua_strlen': identifier not found
error C2065: 'LUA_GLOBALSINDEX' : undeclared identifier


Please help me what I did wrong? What files I must add to project? Maybe some additional library? What best practice to organize lua projects?


似乎Luabind是为Lua 5.1编写的,并且你已经下载了Lua 5.2。

It seems that luabind is written for Lua 5.1 and you've downloaded Lua 5.2.


08-15 11:54