本文介绍了面试的Hello World解释的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这是用C写的可以在一个Hello World程序任何人都请提供它是如何工作的解释?


INT I;主要(){为(;我[]<我;我++){ - 我;}];阅读('-'-'-',我+++地狱\\
!0,世界\\ n,'/'/'/'));}读取(J,I,P){写(J / P + P,I --- J,I / I);}


  INT I;
  为(;我[]<我;我++){ - 我;}];阅读(' - ' - ' - ',我+ +你好,世界\\ n!,'/'/'/'));
  写(J / P + P,我 - - J,I / I);



  I []<我;我++){ - 我;}]


 <我;我++){ - 我;}[I]

所以循环将结束时,在位置的字符 I \\ 0 ,即在年底字符串,这是14个字符长的(这恰好是相同的长度,你好,世界!\\ n)。因此,循环条件可以改写为:

 我!= 14


 阅读(' - ' - ' - ',我+ +!你好,世界\\ n,'/'/'/')


  • - - - 0

  • '/'/'/' 1

    阅读(0,I + +你好,世界!\\ n,1)


 的#include<&unistd.h中GT;INT I = 0;无效READ2(INT,CHAR *,INT);诠释的main()
   同时,(我!= 14)
      READ2(0,I + +你好,世界\\ n!,1);
   }   返回0;
   写(焦耳/ P + P,我 - - J,1);

(我改名 READ2 来避免与UNIX 功能。)

请注意,Ĵ P 参数 READ2 是不需要的,因为该功能总是被其中j = 0且p称为= 1

 的#include<&unistd.h中GT;INT I = 0;无效READ2(字符*);诠释的main()
   同时,(我!= 14)
      READ2(我+ +你好,世界\\ n!);
   }   返回0;
}无效READ2(字符* I)
   写(1,我 - ,1);

呼叫写(1,我 - ,1)写1个字符我文件描述符1 (标准输出)。而且是后减多余的,因为这 I 是永远不会再次引用的局部变量。所以这个函数等同于的putchar(* I)

主循环内内联 READ2 函数给出

 的#include<&stdio.h中GT;INT I = 0;诠释的main()
   同时,(我!= 14)
      的putchar(*(我+ +你好,世界\\ n!));
   }   返回0;


This classic ioccc entry is a Hello World program written in C. Can anyone please provide an explanation of how it works?

Original code (syntax highlighting intentionally missing):

int i;main(){for(;i["]<i;++i){--i;}"];read('-'-'-',i+++"hell\
o, world!\n",'/'/'/'));}read(j,i,p){write(j/p+p,i---j,i/i);}

Slightly cleaner:

int i;
  for ( ; i["]<i;++i){--i;}"]; read('-' - '-', i++ + "hello, world!\n", '/' / '/'));

read(j, i, p)
  write(j / p + p, i-- - j, i / i);

for loop condition


This expression takes advantage of the fact that array indexing is commutative in C. It is equivalent to.


So the loop will terminate when the character at position i is \0, i.e., at the end of the string, which is 14 characters long (which happens to be the same length as "hello, world!\n"). So the for loop condition can be rewritten as:

i != 14

character arithmetic

read('-' - '-', i++ + "hello, world!\n", '/' / '/')

char is an integer type, and thus:

  • '-' - '-' is 0
  • '/' / '/' is 1

    read(0, i++ + "hello, world!\n", 1)

After fixing all the compiler warnings (like implicit int to pointer conversion), and simplifying the things mentioned above, the code becomes:

#include <unistd.h>

int i = 0;

void read2(int, char*, int);

int main()
   while (i != 14)
      read2(0, i++ + "hello, world!\n", 1);

   return 0;

void read2(int j, char* i, int p)
   write(j / p + p, i-- - j, 1);

(I renamed read to read2 to avoid conflicting with the Unix read function.)

Note that the j and p arguments to read2 are unneeded, as the function is always called with j=0 and p=1.

#include <unistd.h>

int i = 0;

void read2(char*);

int main()
   while (i != 14)
      read2(i++ + "hello, world!\n");

   return 0;

void read2(char* i)
   write(1, i--, 1);

The call write(1, i--, 1) writes 1 character from i to file descriptor 1 (stdout). And the postdecrement is superfluous because this i is a local variable never referenced again. So this function is equivalent to putchar(*i).

Inlining the read2 function within the main loop gives

#include <stdio.h>

int i = 0;

int main()
   while (i != 14)
      putchar(*(i++ + "hello, world!\n"));

   return 0;

for which the meaning is obvious.

这篇关于面试的Hello World解释的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 11:35