


There are some good geocoding plugins (e.g. geokit) but can you recommend a googlemaps plugin for "the view" in rails?

之前我使用过YM4R / GM,但是我不知道它是否仍然是最新的...

I used YM4R/GM before but I don't know if its still up to date...


我一直只用GeoKit来处理GoogleMaps的所有事情......这有点旧,但所有使用Rails开始Google Maps应用程序的源代码可在。它应该引导你如何为前端编写代码。 也有一些很棒的代码食谱,可以将地理编码点GoogleMaps。

I've always just used GeoKit for all things GoogleMaps... it's a little old, but all the source code for "Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails" is available at http://googlemapsbook.com/source/. It should walk you through pretty well on how to write the code for the front end. Advanced Rails Recipes also has some great code recipes on building geocoded points into GoogleMaps.


09-09 04:43