

本文介绍了应用2015 Update 1后,无法再上载第一个州名以数字开头的工作项定义的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


要在状态下拉列表中强制执行排序顺序,我的用户一直坚持将状态名称预先挂起。  我的收藏品没有问题地升级到2015 Update 1,似乎工作正常。  直到我尝试更改工作项定义。

To force a sort order in the state drop down, my users have insisted on pre-pending a number to the state name.  My collections upgraded to 2015 Update 1 without issues and seemed to be working fine.  Until I tried to change a work item definition.  Now the system will no longer accept a number to begin a state name for the initial state.

转换如下所示: < TRANSITION from =" ;" to =" 1-Requested">

The transition looks like this:  <TRANSITION from="" to="1-Requested">

当我尝试使用电动工具上传xml文件或在服务器上进行编辑时,出现"发生意外错误"的情况。信息。  事件日志中没有任何内容或我可以看到的任何其他内容。  当我将上述行更改为< TRANSITION
from ="" to =" Requested">,它加载正常。

When I try to upload an xml file or edit on the server using the power tool, I get an "Unexpected Error occurred" message.  Nothing in the event logs or anywhere else that I can see.  When I change the above line to just be <TRANSITION from="" to="Requested">, it loads fine.


Numbers in front of every other state name work fine. Just not the one that transitions from "".


We've used these state names since 2013 without issue.


Looks like a defect has been introduced or the specification for a valid state name has changed?


Has anyone else seen this?





According to your description, I tried to reproduced your issue. As far as we know, the first transition is from "" to "New", so did you change the named the state of "New" to "Requested"?

那么你使用什么过程模板?如果你使用Scrum,我们可以在它前面添加一个数字。但是如果你使用敏捷,它就行不通。我 f我改变了"新"字样。 to" Requested "

So what process template do you use? If you use Scrum, we could add a number in front of it. But if you use Agile, it can't work. If I changed "New" to "Requested" without a number before it, I can't save a work item and it shows "The field 'State' contains the value 'New' that is not in the list of supported values.".

这篇关于应用2015 Update 1后,无法再上载第一个州名以数字开头的工作项定义的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 11:13