

本文介绍了防止Ansible 2中出现重复的按键警告的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I use a lot of YAML anchors and references in my roles to keep the logic in a single spot instead of repeating myself in multiple tasks. Following is a very very basic example.

- &sometask
  name: "Some Task"
  some_module: with a lot of parameters
  with_items: list_A

- <<: *sometask
  name: "Some OTHER Task"
  with_items: list_B


So instead of defining the whole task twice, I use an anchor to the first one and merge all its content into a new task, then override the differing pieces. That works fine.


Just to be clear, this is basic YAML functionality and has nothing to do with Ansible itself.


The result of above definition (and what Ansible sees when it parsed the YAML file) would evaluate to:

- name: "Some Task"
  some_module: with a lot of parameters
  with_items: list_A

- name: "Some Task"
  some_module: with a lot of parameters
  with_items: list_A
  name: "Some OTHER Task"
  with_items: list_B

Ansible 2现在具有一项功能,可以在任务中多次定义键时进行投诉.它仍然有效,但是在运行剧本时会产生不必要的噪音:

Ansible 2 now has a feature to complain when keys have been defined multiple times in a task. It still works, but creates unwanted noise when running the playbook:

TASK [Some OTHER Task] *******************************************************
 [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /some/file.yml, line 42, column 3, found a duplicate dict key (name).  Using last defined value only.

 [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /some/file.yml, line 42, column 3, found a duplicate dict key (with_items).  Using last defined value only.

Ansible配置可防止 deprecation_warnings command_warnings .有没有办法防止这种警告?

Ansible configuration allows to prevent deprecation_warnings and command_warnings. Is there a way to also prevent this kind of warning?


从Ansible 2.9.0开始,可以通过将 ANSIBLE_DUPLICATE_YAML_DICT_KEY 环境变量设置为 ignore 来实现..此变量的其他可能值是 warn (它是默认值并保留原始行为)和 error (这会使剧本执行失败).

As of Ansible 2.9.0, this can be achieved by setting the ANSIBLE_DUPLICATE_YAML_DICT_KEY environment variable to ignore. Other possible values for this variable are warn, which is the default and preserves the original behaviour, and error, which makes the playbook execution fail.


See this pull request for details about the implementation.

这篇关于防止Ansible 2中出现重复的按键警告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 11:12