我有两个xml。 XML1和XML2。我想用XML2的内容更新XMl1。
I have two xmls. XML1 and XML2. i would like to update XMl1 with the content of XML2.
<vdu xmlns="test:file">
<vdu xmlns="test:file">
I am trying to retrieve the text from XML2, and update each element in XML1 (I am not sure this is how it should be though).this is where i reached so far before i got stuck.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
source = (r'C:\XML2.xml')
destination = (r'C:\XML1.xml')
source_tree = ET.parse(source)
source_root = source_tree.getroot()
dest_tree = ET.parse(destination)
dest_root = dest_tree.getroot()
xmltag = dest_root.tag
newroot = ET.Element(xmltag)
for source_elem in source_root.iter('e-list'):
for ele_verbose in source_elem:
for open_network in ele_verbose:
ET.ElementTree(newroot).write(destination, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') # It does write copied elements in new file and does not retain the other TAGS in XML file.
if you have any better way to achieve this please suggest.
下面是使用lxml进行操作的 unprofessional 方法(我对此没有太多经验) :
Here's an unprofessional way to do it with lxml (I don't have much experience with it):
from lxml import etree
source = (r'test_xml2.xml')
destination = (r'test_xml.xml')
root1 = etree.parse(destination).getroot()
root2 = etree.parse(source).getroot()
all_elements1 = root1.findall('.//*')
all_elements2 = root2.findall('.//*')
def complete_tag_check(e1,e2):
while e1.tag == e2.tag:
if e1.tag == root1.tag:
return True
e1 = e1.getparent()
e2 = e2.getparent()
return False
for el2 in all_elements2:
remove_el = False
if el2.text is not None and el2.text.strip()!='':
for el1 in all_elements1:
## # this will only compare element tags
## if el1.tag == el2.tag:
## el1.text = el2.text
## remove_el = True
## break
# this will compare the tags in each step until
# it get to root. Only elements with exactly
# the same structure will qualify.
if complete_tag_check(el1,el2):
el1.text = el2.text
remove_el = True
# if you have multiple tags with same name in xmls,
# the last one from xml2 will replace all in xml1.
# to avoid this we remove each element with changed
# text from all_elements1 list.
if remove_el:
ET = etree.ElementTree(root1)
ET.write('test_xml3.xml', pretty_print=True)
# wrote to a different file so you could compare results