

IFilter 的一种使这些对象在Vista/Windows 7开始菜单中可搜索的方式?我不必实现完整的协议处理程序,对吗?该筛选器不会针对每个查询实例化,而是只要搜索服务运行就存在.

如果要在搜索中单击找到的项目时执行自己的代码,该怎么办? ?我需要做一个MRL处理程序吗?像blah://ID一样?


预先感谢! ="h2_lin">解决方案

Let's say I have my own data store: an array of simple objects with Name and ID.
is IFilter the way to make these object searchable in the vista / windows 7 start menu? I don't have to implement a full protocol handler, do I? The filter won't be instantiated for each query, but rather exist as long as the search service runs?

And what should I do if I want to execute my own code when clicking the found items in search? Do I have to make a MRL handler? like blah://ID ?

Preferably I would want to have everything from IFilter to execution handler in one DLL to make deployment easy.

Thanks in advance!



08-15 09:23