




How do I upload an image to Firebase Storage when the user terminates the app?


firebaseRef.child("\(uid)/\(filePath)").put(data, metadata: metadata) { (metadata, error) in
   // NOTE: This spot never reaches when user closes the app
   if error != nil || metadata == nil {
      log.error("Fail to store image in cloud storage")
   } else {
      // Do something with the metadata url

如您所见,如果用户终止应用程序并且我无法将用户的图像上传到Firebase Storage,则异步完成块将永远不会完成

As you can see, the async completion block never completes if the user terminates the app and I'm not able to upload the user's image to Firebase Storage


How do I safeguard against user terminating the app after uploading the picture? I have a preliminary idea. Could I store the image in CoreData/NSUserDefaults temporarily, and retry the upload when the user opens the app again?



Good question. At present, on iOS, there's no way of persisting and restarting the upload or download if the app is backgrounded or killed. This feature exists on Android (since the Activity is reset on screen rotation, making this a far more common issue), and we're planning on making it available on iOS in the future.

最终,我们只想将此标记设置为[FIRStorage enablePersistentUploads:YES]或类似标记即可自动为您执行此操作,因此您完全不必考虑它.

Eventually, we want to simply make this a flag [FIRStorage enablePersistentUploads:YES] or similar, to automatically do this for you, so you don't have to think about it at all.


08-15 09:16