

我在Visual Studio 2013 ASP.NET Web API 2项目中具有以下设置.

I have the following setup in a Visual Studio 2013 ASP.NET Web API 2 project.

  • Web.Develop.config Web转换以设置应用程序设置键值
  • Web.Release.config Web转换以删除应用程序设置键
  • Develop.pubxml映射到Web.Develop.config转换
  • Release.pubxml映射到Web.Release.config转换


Details for each are found below.

<!-- Web.Develop.config (Web Config Transform) -->
  <add key="ReportInputPath"
       xdt:Locator="Match(key)" />
<!-- Web.Release.config (Web Config Transform) -->
<appSettings xdt:Transform="Remove" />
<!-- **Develop.pubxml (Publish Profile) -->
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
<!-- Release.pubxml (Publish Profile) -->
<!-- Contents are identical to Develop.pubxml.
     This is used to target the Web.Release.Config transform. -->

每当我通过Release publish概要文件发布应用程序时,我的<appSettings/>元素都会被成功删除.但是,同时运行开发发布"配置文件时,也会删除<appSettings/>元素.

Whenever I publish the application via the Release publish profile my <appSettings/> element is successfully removed. However, <appSettings/> element is removed when the Develop publish profile is run as well.



Why is the <appSettings/> element being removed when I run the Develop publish profile instead of setting the ReportInputPath value?


And what are the relationships between the between solution/project configurations, publish profiles, and web.config transforms?


运行Develop publish配置文件时为何删除<appSettings/>元素的答案是因为两个转换按以下顺序运行.

The answer to why the <appSettings/> element is being removed when the Develop publish profile is run is because two transformations are run in the following order.

  1. Web.Release.config.之所以运行该命令,是因为Develop.pubxml文件中的配置目标是Release构建配置.
  2. Web.Develop.config.之所以运行该命令,是因为发布配置文件(开发)的名称与转换文件的名称匹配.


What is happening is the the first transformation removes the <appSettings/> element. The second transformation attempts to set the key value in that element, but cannot find it, so it silently fails.


I was able to confirm this by searching through the console output. When the Develop transformation was run there was a warning that the desired element could not be found.

Example (shortened for clarity)
> TransformXml: Applying Transform File: C:\...\MyProject\Web.Develop.config
> C:\...\MyProject\Web.Develop.config(6,4): Warning : No element in the source document matches '/configuration/appSettings'
> TransformXml: Not executing SetAttributes (transform line 9, 10)

特定于配置文件的web.config转换和转换预览赛义德·易卜拉欣·哈希米(Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi)撰写的文章对确定这一问题非常有帮助.

The Profile specific web.config transforms and transform preview article by Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi was very helpful in identifying this was the issue.


As far as the relationship between the build configuration, publish profiles, and web.config transform go my current understanding is this.

  1. 发布配置文件具有(除其他外)配置目标
  2. 发布配置文件首先运行转换,该转换将映射到其指定的配置目标名称(如果存在)
  3. 发布配置文件,然后运行转换(如果存在的话)映射到其发布配置文件名称

关键是可以运行两个 web.config转换.

The key here being that two web.config transformations may be run.


08-15 09:08