

我使用的是CMS(N2)来管理一个新的网站。 CMS包括上传使用文件系统文件的功能(在DB不是二进制,这也是可能的,但我想用文件系统)。一些在上传目录中的子文件夹需要保护。这可以通过使用授权元素中完成(子)的web.config 作为陈述的。

I'm using a CMS (N2) to manage a new website. The CMS includes functionality for uploading files using the filesystem (not binary in DB, which is also possible, but I want to use filesystem). Some of the subfolders in the uploads directory need to be secured. This can be done using authorization elements in (a sub) web.config as stated here.

用户和角色通过管理界面管理,由我CMS管理员进行管理。一些角色基于在网站上的特定功能动态添加。因此,我想保持我的〜/上传/ XXX 子文件夹的安全动态,以及。 什么是基于web.config中动态地管理授权好的解决办法?

Users and roles are managed through the admin interface and are managed by my CMS administrator. Some roles are added dynamically based on certain functionality in the website. Therefore I would like to keep my ~/upload/xxx subfolder security dynamic as well. What is a good solution for dynamically managing authorization based on web.config?


要实现这一目标将是指定&LT的一种方式,位置路径=MyFolder文件> ...< /地点&gt ; ,以打开特定文件夹的任何人

One way to accomplish this would be to specify a <location path="MyFolder">...</location> in order to open up a specific folder to anyone.


It is a best practice to put these at the bottom of your web.config file and should give you the flexibility you are looking for.


Here's the MSDN page for the location Element:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b6x6shw7.aspx




08-15 09:05