


I'm working on an ARKit project for 4 months now.I noticed that when adding a child to my scene rootNode, there is a FPS drop. The device freezes for less than a second.I did a lot of research and trials, noticed that all Apple's code examples have this FPS drop too when placing an object.It does not matter if the node is added directly (scene.rootNode.addChild(child)) or if it's added in the renderer loop at different phases (didUpdateAtTime, didApplyAnimations etc...).I found that once an object has been added to a scene, the next added object will render immediately. I use a 3D model created in SceneKit editor, clone it to generate my different nodes before adding them as child. I do this loading work before placing the objects.


Instruments shows that the renderer loop is busy for the duration of the freeze.


The only solution that I found is to add my nodes to the scene behind a loading screen before starting the whole experience.


Is that a normal behavior in game programming to render nodes before using them ?



随着 ARKit 3.0 的发布及其附属产品- RealityKit (具有优化渲染引擎并更改了框架的框架)场景的层次结构(使用Swift编写,因此没有Objective-C绑定),当添加子级时,丢帧会降低为难以感知的值.

With the release of ARKit 3.0 and its satellite – RealityKit (framework with optimised rendering engine and changed scene's hierarchy, that was written in Swift hence it has no Objective-C binding), a drop-frame, when adding a child, is reduced to an imperceptible value.

ARKit3/RealityKit韧带的这种可预测行为尤其适用于采用7 nm工艺制造的处理器 A12 Bionic和 A13 Bionic的设备(以及当然,由于它们具有最新一代的神经引擎和强大的GPU).

And such a predictable behaviour of ARKit3/RealityKit ligament is especially true for devices with processors A12 Bionic and A13 Bionic manufactured on 7 nm process (and, of course, due to the fact they have last-gen neural engines and powerful GPUs).


For devices with a less powerful processors (A9, A10, A11), it is advisable to use 3D models with a total number of polygons of no more than 10K per model, and with usual shaders like .blinn or .phong (not PBR).

我认为,对于使用游戏引擎的游戏和应用程序来说,这是很普遍的做法,首先在使用它们之前将所有必要的游戏资产(例如3D模型,纹理,声音文件等)加载(​​或缓存)到RAM中.有关更多详细信息,请阅读 这篇文章 此文章 .

I believe it's quite a common practice for games and apps that use game engines, to firstly load (or cache) all the necessary game assets (like 3D models, textures, sound files, etc) into RAM before using them. For further details please read this article and this article.


However, it’s worth saying that AR games, unlike VR games, consume considerably more processing power, therefore they need to be carefully optimised. So, you're absolutely right, rendering nodes before using them and it's a normal behaviour in game programming.


08-15 08:53