




We are arguing about this approach with my colleagues. They say to use SpringRunner only on integration or functional levels.


The question is what pros and cons of using it in level below?


For example I have simple bean:

public class RewardDurationCalculator {

    private Clock clock;

    public OptionalLong calculate(DurationType durationType, List<Pass> passes) {
        long now = Instant.now(clock).getEpochSecond();
        switch (durationType) {
            case FULL_PASS:
                return getCurrentPassDuration(passes, now);
                return getTimeInCurrentPassLeft(passes, now);
        return OptionalLong.empty();

    private OptionalLong getCurrentPassDuration(List<Pass> passes, long now) {
        return passes.stream()

    private OptionalLong getTimeInCurrentPassLeft(List<Pass> passes, long now) {
        return passes.stream()
                .mapToLong(pass -> getEndTs(pass) - now)

    private Predicate<Pass> currentPass(long now) {
        return pass -> pass.getStartTs() >= now && now <= getEndTs(pass);

    private long getEndTs(Pass pass) {
        return pass.getStartTs() + pass.getDuration();



that is doing some calculation logic. For it I have also spring config:

public class RewardDurationCalculatorConfiguration {

    public RewardDurationCalculator rewardDurationCalculator(Clock clock) {
        return new RewardDurationCalculator(clock);



So why can't I write unit test for it like this:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = RewardDurationCalculatorConfiguration.class)
public class RewardDurationCalculatorTest {

    private Clock clock;
    private RewardDurationCalculator rewardDurationCalculator;

    public void testCalculateCurrentPassDurationShouldBeReturnedIfPassWasCreatedRightNow() {
        rewardDurationCalculator.calculate(DurationType.FULL_PASS, Collections.emptyList());



What cons I can face with using such approach?



I tend to agree with your colleagues.


Unit tests should only test small units of code, typically methods, ideally exercising only the unit under test without executing any other code (with the exception of private methods).


One reason for this is that unit tests should execute as fast as possible, so developers can run them as often as possible, after every small change they make to the code. You want to get instant feedback from unit tests. Even if loading the Spring context is usually quiet fast and adds just about a second to the execution time of your test, this one second adds up to being annoying if you execute the test a few hundred times per day as you should when doing, for example, extensive refactoring of a class.


Another reason to stick to this rule is that it forces you to write highly decoupled classes. If you can't write unit tests for a class that exercise only that class and nothing else, it can be a sign that you should rethink your class design.


When you ramp up the whole Spring context for a test, by this definition, it is not a unit test anymore, but an integration test, because you are also testing the whole Spring configuration, bootstrapping, autowiring etc, i. e. the integration of your classes into a Spring application.


08-15 08:37