

我刚刚意识到在C#.NET 4.0 WPF后台线程,这不工作(编译错误):

I just realized in a C# .Net 4.0 WPF background thread that this doesn't work (compiler error):

Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, delegate()
    // do stuff to UI

这是一些例子,我发现,它已被铸造这样的:(行动)委托()。然而,在其它的实施例可以铸造其它类,例如 System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker

From some examples I found out that it had to be casted like this: (Action)delegate(). However, in other examples it is casted to other classes, e.g. System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker.


Can anybody tell me what exactly is wrong with the example above? I also tried to reproduce it with other methods, but it was always working without casting:

delegate void MyAction();
void Method1(MyAction a) {
    // do stuff

void Method2(Action a) {
    // do stuff

void Tests()
        // works

        // works

    Method1(() =>
        // works

    Method2(() =>
        // works

    Method2(new Action(delegate()
        // works

    new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
        // works


So whats the best (most elegant, less redundant) way to invoke the Dispatcher, and whats so special with it that delegates must be casted?


看签名 Dispatcher.Invoke() 。它并不需要动作或其他一些特定的委托类型。它采用代理,这是所有委托类型的共同祖先。但你不能转换匿名方法,以这个基类直接,你可以将其转换只是一些具体的委托类型。 (这同样适用于lambdas和方法团。)

Look at the signature for Dispatcher.Invoke(). It doesn't take Action or some other specific delegate type. It takes Delegate, which is the common ancestor of all delegate types. But you can't convert anonymous method to this base type directly, you can convert it only to some specific delegate type. (The same applies to lambdas and method groups.)


Why does it take Delegate? Because you can pass to it delegates that take parameters or have return values.


Action action = delegate()
    // do stuff to UI

Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, action);


08-15 08:30