本文介绍了从视图模型打印 WPF 视觉的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在不使用 RelayCommand 的情况下调用打印方法从 ViewModel 打印视觉或窗口,如下例所示:使用 MVVM 模式打印 WPF 视觉效果?

how do i print a visual or window from the ViewModel by just calling a method to print without using a RelayCommand as shown in this example: Print WPF Visuals with MVVM pattern?

var printDlg = new PrintDialog();
printDlg.PrintVisual(View, "JOB PRINTING")



Ok this is a quick and dirty but reusable attached behavior class.Disclaimer: I just hacked this in a couple of minutes and it has its flaws, which should be easy to overcome.


First we need our service class.

public class VisualPrinter
    private static RoutedUICommand PrintVisualCommand = new RoutedUICommand("PrintVisualCommand", "PrintVisualCommand", typeof(VisualPrinter));

    #region ab PrintCommand

    public static ICommand GetPrintCommand(DependencyObject aTarget)
        return (ICommand)aTarget.GetValue(PrintCommandProperty);

    public static void SetPrintCommand(DependencyObject aTarget, ICommand aValue)
        aTarget.SetValue(PrintCommandProperty, aValue);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty PrintCommandProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("PrintCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(VisualPrinter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(PrintVisualCommand));


    #region ab EnablePrintCommand

    public static bool GetEnablePrintCommand(DependencyObject aTarget)
        return (bool)aTarget.GetValue(EnablePrintCommandProperty);
    public static void SetEnablePrintCommand(DependencyObject aTarget, bool aValue)
        aTarget.SetValue(EnablePrintCommandProperty, aValue);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty EnablePrintCommandProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("EnablePrintCommand", typeof(bool), typeof(VisualPrinter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, OnEnablePrintCommandChanged));

    private static void OnEnablePrintCommandChanged(DependencyObject aDependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs aArgs)
        var newValue = (bool)aArgs.NewValue;
        var element = aDependencyObject as UIElement;
            element.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(PrintVisualCommand, OnPrintVisual));

    private static void OnPrintVisual(object aSender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs aE)
        // the element is the one were you set the EnablePrintCommand
        var element = aSender as Visual;
        var printDlg = new PrintDialog();
        // do the printing


这里我们定义了两个附加属性.PrintCommand 用于将实际打印命令注入视图模型,这必须通过 OneWayToSource 完成.第二个,EnablePrintCommand,是启用打印,设置应该打印哪个元素并注册命令绑定.

Here we define two attached properties. PrintCommand is used to inject the actual print command into a view model, this must be done with OneWayToSource.The second, EnablePrintCommand, is to enable the printing, setting which element should be printed and to register the command binding.


My current version has a flaw, that you can't set both properties on the same element, but this can easily be overcome. So to print a a button, it would look like this:

<Grid local:VisualPrinter.EnablePrintCommand="True">
    <Button Content="Test" local:VisualPrinter.PrintCommand="{Binding ViewModelPrint, Mode=OneWayToSource">

虽然 ViewModelPrint 是视图模型中 ICommand 类型的属性,可以执行该属性然后打印网格(因此是按钮).

While ViewModelPrint is a property of type ICommand in the view model, which can be executed and will then print the grid(therefore the button).

这篇关于从视图模型打印 WPF 视觉的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 08:25