本文介绍了生成随机条码 - 一个设计问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm fixing bugs (thread issues) in java code that generate bar codes. As per design the barcode is just a number and the next "not used" bar code is next in the sequence. There are 99 billion possible numbers.


First of all I don't like auto incremented numbers because of security issues. I want to generate random numbers.


Already used bar codes are stored in a database table.


It is quite easy to create a random number and check against the table if the barcode is in use. But the logic will have to loop until it finds a random number is not in use. By time this could be a heavy task.


I think that a thread safe cache with 1000 free bar codes would do the job, but building or renewing the cache can be quite heavy.


Any suggestions to a design of a query that does the lookup or a query that can return a range of free random numbers?


I'm using hibernate criterias.



您可以使用 。他们可以在一个循环中以一个特定的位数遍历所有数字,而不重复,但是看起来是一个随机的顺序。

You could use a Linear Feedback Shift Register. They can step through all numbers with a specific number of bits in a cycle without repeating but in a seemingly random order.

这应该工作 - 这是一个严重削减版本的一个我写了一段时间。您必须按照链接中所述选择原始多项式。

This should work - it is a severely cut-down version of one I wrote a while ago. You will have to choose your primitive polynomial as described in the links.


You can find a list of randomly chosen primitive polynomials here.

 * Linear feedback shift register
 * Taps can be found at:
 * See http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/application_notes/xapp052.pdf
 * See http://mathoverflow.net/questions/46961/how-are-taps-proven-to-work-for-lfsrs/46983#46983
 * See http://www.newwaveinstruments.com/resources/articles/m_sequence_linear_feedback_shift_register_lfsr.htm
 * See http://www.yikes.com/~ptolemy/lfsr_web/index.htm
 * See http://seanerikoconnor.freeservers.com/Mathematics/AbstractAlgebra/PrimitivePolynomials/overview.html
 * @author OldCurmudgeon
public class LFSR implements Iterable<BigInteger> {

    // Bit pattern for taps.
    private final BigInteger taps;
    // Where to start (and end).
    private final BigInteger start;

    // The poly must be primitive to span the full sequence.
    public LFSR(BigInteger primitivePoly, BigInteger start) {
        // Where to start from (and stop).
        this.start = start.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? BigInteger.ONE : start;
        // Knock off the 2^0 coefficient of the polynomial for the TAP.
        this.taps = primitivePoly.shiftRight(1);

    public Iterator<BigInteger> iterator() {
        return new LFSRIterator(start);

    private class LFSRIterator implements Iterator<BigInteger> {
        // The last one we returned.

        private BigInteger last = null;
        // The next one to return.
        private BigInteger next = null;

        public LFSRIterator(BigInteger start) {
            // Do not return the seed.
            last = start;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (next == null) {
                 * Uses the Galois form.
                 * Shift last right one.
                 * If the bit shifted out was a 1 - xor with the tap mask.
                boolean shiftedOutA1 = last.testBit(0);
                // Shift right.
                next = last.shiftRight(1);
                if (shiftedOutA1) {
                    // Tap!
                    next = next.xor(taps);
                // Never give them `start` again.
                if (next.equals(start)) {
                    // Could set a finished flag here too.
                    next = null;
            return next != null;

        public BigInteger next() {
            // Remember this one.
            last = hasNext() ? next : null;
            // Don't deliver it again.
            next = null;
            return last;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");

        public String toString() {
            return LFSR.this.toString()
                    + "[" + (last != null ? last.toString(16) : "")
                    + "-" + (next != null ? next.toString(16) : "") + "]";

    public String toString() {
        return "(" + taps.toString(32) + ")-" + start.toString(32);


public void test(int[] tap, int base) {
    System.out.println("Test: " + Arrays.toString(tap));
    // Build the BigInteger.
    BigInteger primitive = BigInteger.ZERO;
    for (int bit : tap) {
        primitive = primitive.or(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(bit));
    // Stop at 100.
    int count = 100;
    LFSR lfsr = new LFSR(primitive, BigInteger.ONE);
    for (BigInteger b : lfsr) {
        if (count-- > 0) {
        } else {


public void test() {
    // Just 6 bits.
    int[] tap7 = {6, 5, 0};
    test(tap7, 10);
    // An example 48-bit tap.
    int[] tap48 = {48, 46, 45, 44, 42, 40, 36, 34, 33, 32, 29, 27, 26, 20, 17, 16, 12, 11, 10, 5, 3, 1, 0};
    test(tap48, 16);

这篇关于生成随机条码 - 一个设计问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 08:13