


I want to ask experienced ASP.NET developers about how to climb the learning curve of ASP.NET.

我是一名经验丰富的C ++和C#开发人员没有Web应用体验。

I am an experienced C++ and C# developers with no web application experience.

我发现ASP.NET MVC和ASP.NET是两种不同的技术。我只想问:

I found ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET are two different technologies. I just want to ask:

  1. 无论是这两种技术将共同存在,或MVC将取代

  2. 如果我想学习ASP.NET MVC。我需要学习ASP.NET为prerequisite?

  3. 您能推荐一些学习资源?书?视频?没有支付微软培训:(




First of all ASP.NET is request/response pipeline. This means that you are given access to the request and response streams as well as some provisions like, session, cache, security, etc.

在这上面有3个框架,收费生成HTML。第一个和最古老的被称为ASP.NET Web窗体。因为它是唯一一个它有时被​​称为ASP.NET,但这并不是事情的当前状态正确。 ASP.NET MVC是第二个和有第三个被称为ASP.NET网页。这些全部3共享相同的核心ASP.NET请求/响应管道和会话这些API,缓存......所不同的是他们是如何生成HTML。

On top of this there are 3 frameworks in charge for generating HTML. The first and oldest is known as ASP.NET Web Forms. Because it was the only one it is sometimes called ASP.NET but this is not correct in the current state of things. ASP.NET MVC is the second one and there is a third one known as ASP.NET Web Pages. All 3 of these share the same core ASP.NET request/response pipeline and the APIs for Session, Cache... What is different is how they generate HTML.

Asp.Net Web窗体和Asp.Net网页

You can check my answer to this question for more info.Asp.Net Web Forms and Asp.Net Web Pages

和回答您的问题具体 - 没有Web窗体不会消失。很多人使用它,MS将发布新版本。

And to answer your concrete question - no Web Forms is not going away. A lot of people use it, MS are releasing new versions.

Web窗体是人们与桌面背景pretty好事,因为它使用熟悉的桌面开发者控制模型,也有一些模拟状态。它也需要较少的HTML,JS,CSS的知识。 ASP.NET MVC是种相反的。它给你很多的控制,但需要大量的关于网络的知识。

Web Forms is pretty good for people with desktop background because it uses a control model familiar to desktop devs and also has something that simulates state. It also requires less knowledge of HTML, JS, CSS. ASP.NET MVC is kind of the opposite. It gives you a lot of control but requires a lot of knowledge about the web.

我个人preFER Web窗体到MVC的各种原因,我不会在这里列出,但即使Web窗体的支持者(尤其是我)会承认,Web窗体是pretty糟糕的方式去了解网络,因为它抽象了很多东西。这使你的生产力,安全性等,但可能会导致漏水的抽象情况下,如果你不知道的基本框架是如何工作的,这是pretty容易跳过学习的细节,因为你知道的东西只是工作...直至其断裂,然后你不知道从哪里开始。

I personally prefer Web Forms to MVC for a variety of reasons that I will not list here but even Web Forms supporters (and especially me) will admit that Web Forms is pretty bad way to learn about the web because it abstracts a lot of things. This gives you productivity, security, etc. but can result in cases of leaky abstraction if you don't know how the underlying framework works and it is pretty easy to skip learning the details because you know stuff just works... until it breaks and then you don't know where to start.

最终的选择是你的,但如果你开始与Web窗体一定要了解HTTP动词,Cookie,原始响应流,HTTP头,HTML表单/提交模型联CSS VS单独的文件和JavaScript出网络的背景下表单和确保你知道Web窗体是如何自动化这些。

Ultimately the choice is yours but if you start with Web Forms be sure to learn about HTTP verbs, cookies, raw response stream, http headers, html form/submit model inline css vs separate files and javascript out of the context of Web Forms and make sure you know how Web Forms automates these.


08-15 07:38