本文介绍了其中SYS / types.h中位于何处?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚发现的<文件stdlib.h> < stdio.h中> 头是位于 / usr / include目录文件夹中的Ubuntu的服务器,但我没有找到 SYS / types.h中

I just found out that the <stdlib.h> and <stdio.h> headers are located in the /usr/include folder in Ubuntu server, but I don't find sys/types.h.

和我开始怀疑编译器实际上不会使用头文件中的 / usr / include目录文件夹中。

And I start to suspect the compiler won't actually use the header file in the /usr/include folder.


Is this true, and where is the file located?


我的Debian框(希望Ubuntu的没有​​宰杀它的在他们的热情太的多)有它在 /usr/include/sys/types.h

My Debian box (and hopefully Ubuntu haven't butchered it too much in their zeal) has it in /usr/include/sys/types.h.


Your best bet is to first execute:

find /usr/include -name types.h


find / -name types.h


if you don't find it in the first one.

但是,请记住,发展东西,甚至可能不是的安装。的我就成像服务器框,就是要用作服务器,它不会让我感到吃惊,如果编译器和一堆其他的东西是不是默认安装的一部分(但它有很多的服务器之类的东西的ftpd 的Apache 等)。

However, keep in mind that the development stuff may not even be installed. I would imaging a server box is meant to be used as a server and it wouldn't surprise me if the compiler and a bunch of other stuff was not part of the default install (but it would have a lot of server things like ftpd or Apache and so on).


If the compiler is locating it somewhere and you just don't know where, you can use something like:

echo "#include <sys/types.h>" | gcc -E -x c - | grep /types.h



echo "#include <stdio.h>" | gcc -E -x c - | grep /stdio.h


for the other header you're worried about.

旁白:那 GCC 命令行pre-处理阶段后停止( -E ),强制文件被视为C源$ C ​​$ C( -xc ),并从标准输入(检索程序 - ),在这种情况下,从回声语句。

最后的grep 只是剔除了不重要的行。

The final grep just strips out the unimportant lines.

这篇关于其中SYS / types.h中位于何处?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 06:54