本文介绍了SQLite datetime时差的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何获取具有datetime列且行<的行.使用Python Sqlite sqlite3 模块有2个小时的时间差吗?

How to get the rows that have a datetime column with < 2 hours difference, with Python Sqlite sqlite3 module?


import sqlite3, datetime
db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:', detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)

c = db.cursor()
c.execute('CREATE TABLE mytable (id integer, date timestamp)')
c.execute('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (1, ?)', (datetime.datetime(2018,1,1,23,0),))
c.execute('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (2, ?)', (datetime.datetime(2018,1,2,0,0),))
c.execute('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (3, ?)', (datetime.datetime(2018,1,9,0,0),))


c.execute('SELECT mt1.date, mt2.date FROM mytable mt1, mytable mt2')


,但 datetime 差异计算不起作用:

but the datetime difference computation doesn't work:

c.execute('SELECT ABS(mt1.date - mt2.date) FROM mytable mt1, mytable mt2')

因此最终不可能在 WHERE ABS(mt1.date-mt2.date)<中使用查询2 按2小时最大日期时间差进行过滤.

so it's finally impossible to use a query with WHERE ABS(mt1.date - mt2.date) < 2 to filter by 2-hours max datetime difference.



  • detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES 确保查询返回 datetype Python对象,并且该对象正常运行.

  • detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ensures that the query returns a datetype Python object, and this is working.

这可以测试两个日期时间是否在同一天,这要感谢 DATE 函数:

this works to test if the 2 datetimes are the same day, thanks to DATE function:

SELECT mt1.*, mt2.* FROM mytable mt1, mytable mt2 WHERE DATE(mt1.date) = DATE(mt2.date)


JULIANDAY 允许将日期时间差计算为浮点数:

This works thanks to JULIANDAY which allows to compute a datetime difference as a float:

SELECT ABS(JULIANDAY(mt1.date) - JULIANDAY(mt2.date)) FROM mytable mt1, mytable mt2


So a 2-hours-difference can be translated into this condition:

ABS(JULIANDAY(mt1.date) - JULIANDAY(mt2.date)) < 0.083333

因为2hrs/24hrs = 1/12〜0.083333

since 2hrs/24hrs = 1/12 ~ 0.083333


This query works as well:

SELECT ABS(STRFTIME("%s", mt1.date) - STRFTIME("%s", mt2.date)) FROM mytable mt1, mytable mt2


ABS(STRFTIME("%s", mt1.date) - STRFTIME("%s", mt2.date)) < 7200

即最大差异为7200秒( STRFTIME(%s",mt1.date)提供Unix时间戳).

i.e. a 7200 seconds max difference (STRFTIME("%s", mt1.date) gives the Unix timestamp).

这篇关于SQLite datetime时差的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 06:42