


How can I set a parameter of a sub-report? I have successfully hooked myself up to the SubreportProcessing event, I can find the correct sub-report through e.ReportPath, and I can add datasources through e.DataSources.Add. But I find no way of adding report parameters??


I have found people suggesting to add them to the master report, but I don't really want to do that, since the master report shouldn't have to be connected to the sub-report at all, other than that it is wrapping the sub-report.


I am using one report as a master template, printing name of the report, page numbers etc. And the subreport is going to be the report itself. And if I could only find a way to set those report parameters of the sub-report I would be good to go...

澄清: 创建/定义的参数不是问题。的问题是要设定它们的值。我认为自然的事情是做在SubreportProcessing事件。而SubreportProcessingEventArgs做其实有一个参数属性。但它仅仅是阅读!那么,如何使用?如何设置自己的价值?

Clarification: Creating/Defining the parameters is not the problem. The problem is to set their values. I thought the natural thing to do was to do it in the SubreportProcessing event. And the SubreportProcessingEventArgs do in fact have a Parameters property. But it is read only! So how do you use that? How can I set their value?



After looking and looking, I have come to the conclusion that setting the parameters of a sub-report, in code, is not possible. Unless you do something fancy like start editing the xml of the report definition before you load it or something like that.


(But if someone else should know that I am wrong, please do answer, cause I am still very curious to know!)


08-29 00:32