我是用我的Mac上安装蒙戈DB玩......和导出MongoDB的/ bin目录到PATH ..貌似我损坏的.bash_profile,现在我找不到它。
纳米〜/ .bash_profile中
出口PATH = {$ PATH}:〜/蒙戈/箱
所以现在我保存的文件..由pressing Ctrl + O键,然后按下回车键的提示。然后我pressed CTRL + X退出纳米。我重装用以下命令我的bash配置文件:
$源〜/ .bash_profile中。
出口$ PATH
I am a novice in this.. Please help me get back to my original state where I had access to all the mac and unix commands..
Let me know if you require additional details.. My OS is mountain lion.. I had also XCode installed..
I suspect the issue is that $PATH is being expanded when you don't want it to be. The export command isn't treated any differently. Export expects the name of an environment variable to export, but you aren't giving it the name of the variable, you are giving it the variable reference itself, which gets expanded.
Think about this:
echo PATH
However, this
echo $PATH
outputs this:
Therefore, to export the PATH variable, try this instead (notice the lack of dollar sign):
export PATH
Also, I noticed your $PATH has a bunch of curly braces in it. Take those out. I'm pretty sure that is breaking things.
To do this in one line like you tried first, let's bring it all together:
export PATH=$PATH:~/mongo/bin