



Good Day,我有这个窗体view / startseites / index.html.erb和我在我的people_controller指定一个methode,她不去。我准备了一些幽灵代码来了解。我想给下拉列表中的条目添加button_to标签到控制器动作checkValid。在那里,我想验证数据库的条目。我必须从表中读取和写入。我希望它很清楚。

Good Day, i have this form view/startseites/index.html.erb and i specified a methode in my people_controller, she doesnt go. I prepared some ghost code for understanding. I want to give the entries from dropdowns with the button_to tag to the controller action checkValid. There i want to validate the entries against the database. I have to read and write from and to the table. I hope its clearly enough.

 class PeopleController < ApplicationController

   def checkValid
      @trainerName = params[:trainer_name]
      @sportlerName = params[:sportler_name]
      @trainerPID = params[:trainer_pid]
      @sportlerPID = params[:sportler_pid]

      #checks if sportlerID is null
       @person = Person.find(params[:sportler_pid])
        id = Person.sportler_id
        if id = nil then
             Person.sportler_id = params[:trainerPID]
           puts "Sportler can have only one Trainer!"


view / startseites / index.html.erb:this code does not go

view/startseites/index.html.erb: this code doesnt go


this should send the drop down selection to the controller action checkValid(). how can i use parameters?

 <%=button_to( "Zuordnung erstellen", :action => "checkValid", :controller =>"people" %>**

     <td colspan="3">
       Jeder Sportler kann ein Trainer haben. </br>
          <%= collection_select(:trainer, :trainer_id, Trainer.all, :id, :name) %>


         <%= link_to 'Neuer Trainer', new_person_path(:type => "Trainer") %>

           <%= collection_select(:sportler, :sportler_id, Sportler.all, :id, :name) %>

         <%= link_to 'Neuer Sportler', new_person_path(:type => "Sportler") %>
        **<%=button_to( "Zuordnung erstellen", :action => "checkValid", :controller => "people") %>**



i added this line to my routes

  match '/people/checkValid', :controller => 'people', :action => 'checkValid'

但是:没有路由匹配{:controller =>people / checkValid,:method =>:checkValid}

but: No route matches {:controller=>"people/checkValid", :method=>:checkValid}



 Missing template people/checkValid, application/checkValid with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :coffee]}. Searched in: * "C:/Users/jord/testmood/app/views"


缺少模板错误是指缺少视图。您应该在 app / views / people / 目录中有 check_valid.html.erb 查看文件。

The Missing template error refers to a missing view. You should have check_valid.html.erb view file in app/views/people/ directory.

此外,在应用程序目录中的命令行上运行 rake routes 。您将收到一个列表由routes.rb文件生成的路由。您可以仔细检查是否存在 people#checkValid

Also, run rake routes on the command line anywhere within your app's directory. You will receive a list routes that are generated by your routes.rb file. You can double-check there if people#checkValid exists.

Btw,您可能想将 checkValid 更改为 check_valid 因此您遵循Rails中操作的命名约定。

Btw, you might want to change checkValid to check_valid so you follow the naming convention for actions in Rails.


08-15 06:25