我有一个设置SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL,,,)右键单击钩子的进程.我的过程在两个监视器上都以150%的比例在Window 10.0.10586上设置为DPI系统感知.通过调用SetProcessDpiAwareness(PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE)进行设置.
I have a process that sets a SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, , ,) right click hook. My process is set to DPI system aware on Window 10.0.10586 at 150% scaling on both monitors. This was set by calling SetProcessDpiAwareness(PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE).
我的问题情况是Office 2007没有DPI,因此我们将MS Word放置在屏幕的右四分之一处.右键单击右下角任务栏上方,鼠标钩将发送坐标1279、675-缩放为Word.然后我右键单击Visual Studio(DPI感知),在整个屏幕上将近四分之三,鼠标钩向我发送例如Visual Studio的1279、1008.因此,如果我在屏幕上方单击较高的位置,则可能会得到相同的1279、675.
My problem scenario is e.g. Office 2007 is DPI unaware, so let's place MS Word on the right quarter of the screen. Right click just above the task bar in the bottom right and the mouse hook sends coordinates of 1279, 675 - scaled to Word. Then I right click on visual studio (DPI aware), nearly three quarters across the screen and the mouse hook sends me coordinates of e.g. 1279, 1008 from Visual Studio. So if I clicked higher up the screen I would potentially get the same 1279, 675.
我的过程试图通过调用WindowFromPoint API来确定哪个窗口在该点上,但是在这种情况下,这显然会失败,因为两个应用程序共享"同一点.
My process is trying to determine which window is at the point by calling the WindowFromPoint API, but this will clearly fail in this scenario as two applications "share" the same point.
Is it possible to force the mouse hook to always send raw physical coordinates instead of those scaled to the DPI unaware application? and if so, how? Alternately, is there some other way of determining the hWnd or processID from the mouse hooks?
Microsoft fixed it in 10.0.14393.
除非您的客户机号在LTSB 10.0.10240上,否则您的网络中应该没有任何东西.
You should have nothing in your client's network now with a lower build number unless they are on LTSB 10.0.10240.