


I am pretty new with R. What I am trying to do is to be able to load a URL from another application (Java) which will run an R script and output a JSON so my application can work with it.


I understand there are some frameworks like shiny which act as web servers for R, but I can't find documentation on those frameworks on how to pass parameters via the URL so R can use them.


Ideally I will need to call a URL like:


And that URL will call an R script which will use param1 and param2 to perform some functions and return a JSON which I will then read from my app.


如果尚未这样做,请结帐> DeployR] .您也可以将问题发布到 DeployR Google网上论坛以寻求帮助.

If you have not done so yet please checkout [DeployR]. You can also post questions to the DeployR Google Group for help.

为全面披露我是 DeployR


DeployR是一种集成技术,用于在Web,桌面,移动和仪表板应用程序以及后端系统中部署R分析. DeployR将您的R脚本转换为分析Web服务,因此R代码可以由在安全服务器上运行的应用程序轻松执行.

DeployR is an integration technology for deploying R analytics inside web, desktop,mobile,and dashboard applications as well as backend systems. DeployR turns your R scripts into analytics web services, so R code can be easily executed by applications running on a secure server.


Using analytics web services, DeployR also solves key integration problems faced by those adopting R-based analytics alongside existing IT infrastructure. These services make it easy for application developers to collaborate with data scientists to integrate R analytics into their applications without any R programming knowledge.

DeployR有两个版本: DeployR Open DeployR Enterprise . DeployR Open是一种免费的开源解决方案,是原型设计,构建和部署非关键业务应用程序的理想选择. DeployR Enterprise 可扩展到关键业务应用程序,并为生产级工作负载提供支持,并与流行的企业安全解决方案(如单点登录(SSO),轻型目录访问协议(LDAP))无缝集成),Active Directory或可插拔身份验证模块(PAM).

DeployR is available in two editions: DeployR Open and DeployR Enterprise. DeployR Open is a free, open source solution that is ideal for prototyping, building, and deploying non-critical business applications. DeployR Enterprise scales for business-critical applications and offers support for production-grade workloads, as well as seamless integration with popular enterprise security solutions such as single sign-on (SSO), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Active Directory, or Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM).

长官. DeployR适用于可能不了解R的数据科学家以及应用程序开发人员.

Prefect. DeployR is intended for both the Data Scientist as well as the application developer who might not know R.

DeployR可以很好地退出.协助您的应用程序之间的通信和DeployR服务器(将执行您的R),有 DeployR客户端库.

DeployR does this quit well. To aid in the communication between your applicationand the DeployR server (that will be executing your R) there are the DeployR Client libraries.


Depending on your needs, DeployR has out-of-the-box 'client library' support in:

  • Java-client-library: https://github.com/deployr/java-client-library
  • .NET-client-library: https://github.com/deployr/dotnet-client-library
  • JavaScript and Node.js-library: https://github.com/deployr/js-client-library

DeployR还支持 RBroker框架

DeployR also supports the RBroker Framework


should your use-case or runtime anticipate a high-volume workload or the need for periodic, scheduled or batch processing.


DeployR acts as your analytics engine through its APIS. Basically think of it as turning your R scripts into secure analytic web services to be consumed like any other web service.


在DeployR中将参数传递到R脚本很容易,但是您必须了解您正在从非R语言将参数传递到R脚本.因此,需要一些数据编码"完毕.例如,将Java字符串转换为R character或将Java布尔值转换为R logical ...DeployR客户端库或RBroker使此操作变得容易.

Passing parameters to an R Script in DeployR is easy, however you have to understand that you are passing parameters to an R Script from a language that is not R. As such, there is some 'Data Encoding' that needs to be done. For example, turn your Java String into an R character or your Java boolean to an R logical...The DeployR Client library or RBroker makes this easy.

听起来好像您正在使用Java,所以首先查看Java教程 java-example-client-basics https://github.com/deployr/java-example-rbroker-basics为您提供一些上下文,然后在 java下检查许多Java示例. -example-client-data-io https://github.com/deployr/java-example-client-data-io.示例源完全可用,因此应该为您提供所需的一切为了了解如何从应用程序执行基本I/O到DeployR服务器以进行R分析.

It sounds like you are using Java, so first review the Java tutorial java-example-client-basics https://github.com/deployr/java-example-rbroker-basics to give you some context then checkout the many Java examples under java-example-client-data-io https://github.com/deployr/java-example-client-data-io.The example source is fully available so that should give you everything you needin order to understand how to do basic I/O from your application to the DeployR server for your R analytics.

我建议如上所述使用 DeployR Client库进行通讯,

I suggest using the DeployR Client libraries for your communication as described above, it does just that.

与往常一样,将问题发布到 DeployR Google小组 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/deployr寻求帮助.

As always post questions to the DeployR Google Group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/deployr for help.


10-29 16:24