我是 prestashop 的新手,所以如果我问一个非常简单的问题,请耐心等待.我正在创建模块,在我的任务中,我必须扩展由 javascript 中的 ajaxcart.add() 函数调用的购物车控制器.我想知道,响应这个ajax请求的控制器在哪里,我如何在我的模块中扩展这个控制器.有关于这方面的任何好的文档吗?谢谢
I am new to prestashop, so please bear with me if I am asking a very simple question.I am into creating module, and in my task I have to extend the cart controller that is being called by the ajaxcart.add() function in the javascript.I want to know, where is the controller that responds to this ajax request is located, and how can i extend this controller in my module.Are there any good documentation regarding this?thanks
我找到了一种在模块内扩展 prestashop 默认控制器的方法.我查看了 classes/Dispatcher.php
的内部,并在 dispatch() 方法中找到了它
I found a way to extending the prestashop default controllers inside a module.I looked iniside the classes/Dispatcher.php
and found this inside the dispatch() method
case self::FC_MODULE :
$module_name = Validate::isModuleName(Tools::getValue('module')) ? Tools::getValue('module') : '';
$module = Module::getInstanceByName($module_name);
$controller_class = 'PageNotFoundController';
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && $module->active) {
$controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module_name.'/controllers/front/');
if (isset($controllers[strtolower($this->controller)])) {
$controller_class = $module_name.$this->controller.'ModuleFrontController';
$params_hook_action_dispatcher = array('controller_type' => self::FC_FRONT, 'controller_class' => $controller_class, 'is_module' => 1);
So, The naming convention for the controller is
and the path to the controller should be
module/<module name>/cotrollers/front/<controllername>.php
areacalc 模块中的示例 mycart 控制器
Example mycart controller inside an areacalc module
class areacalcmycartModuleFrontController extends CartController {
areacalc 模块中 mycart 控制器的文件路径
File path to the mycart controller inside an areacalc module
这篇关于我在哪里可以找到 prestashop 控制器以及如何扩展它们?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!