



我希望我的Chrome扩展程序的弹出式页面显示一个Google图表,显示有关用户新闻阅读习惯的信息。我注意到(特别是在这里:),这是一个问题Chrome扩展程序不允许内联脚本,这会使包含使用Google图表所需的API文件变得复杂。有没有解决的办法?是否有某处我可以下载整个API以简单地包含在我的扩展中? 解决方案


 < iframe src =用户/ 12345\" >< / iframe中> 


I would like to have my Chrome extension's popup page display a Google Chart that shows information on the user's news-reading habits. I notice (particularly here: Chrome extension doesn't work) that a problem with this is that Chrome extensions do not allow inline script, which complicates including the necessary API files to use Google Chart. Is there a way around this? Is there somewhere where I can download the entirety of the API to simply include in my extension?


You can't use Google Charts if the document is in the Chrome extension's context because it violates the inline-JavaScript rule. However, you can put an iframe into the extension's popup that references a remote resource. For instance, if the below snippet is in your popup:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Then you can have an application using Google Charts available at the address If you want to integrate the charts with the extension's data, you will either need to add parameters to the chart iframe's address, or implement a content script to message values into the iframe.


08-15 06:01