在 sql server 2008 中,我使用的是这样的模式:
In sql server 2008, I am using a pattern like this:
begin transaction
begin try
/* do something */
end try
begin catch
if @@TRANCOUNT > 0
DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int
@ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity,1)
end catch
if @@TRANCOUNT > 0
commit transaction
当我点击 Sql Server Management Studio 上的取消执行查询"按钮时,它会取消查询并使事务保持打开状态.
when I hit "Cancel Executing Query" button on Sql Server Management Studio it cancels the query and leaves the transaction open.
Is this the intended behavior? Or is there a mistake in my pattern. Shouldn't it rollback the transaction?
恕我直言,这是一种预期行为.当您取消查询运行时,如果有打开的事务 - 它保持打开状态,直到您明确提交或回滚它或直到连接未关闭
IMHO, it is an intended behavior. When you cancels query running if there was open transaction - it remains open until you explicitly commit or roll it back OR until connection is not closed
您的模式中没有任何有价值的错误.如果您手动控制执行流程(取消执行查询),那么您应该以相同的方式处理打开的事务 - 手动.
There is no any valuable mistakes in your pattern. If you control execution flow manually (Cancel Executing Query), then you should care of opened transactions in the same manner - manually.
该行为由 SSMS 选项控制查询执行后断开连接 - 这意味着查询在执行或取消后断开连接并回滚打开的事务:
The behavior is controlled by SSMS option Disconnect after the query executes - which means that the query disconnects after execution or cancel and rolls back opened transactions: