




I've been working on this code all day and have finally gotten everything to work perfectly. The only problem, is that the code does run pretty slow. Considering that it will be used on a workbook with thousands of rows I would like to change that. I am extremely new to vba so there is probably stuff in here that is wrong or seems like a bad shortcut. I think I added a couple of ways that could speed it up but i didnt know if anything else could be done.

Option Explicit

Public Sub CL_NC()

Dim lZeile  As Long

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Gesamt")

For lZeile = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

If InStr(.Range("D" & lZeile).Value, "Malaysia") > 0 And (InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 9001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 14001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "BS OHSAS 18001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 45001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 50001") > 0) Then
        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = "Malaysia IMS CL"
ElseIf InStr(.Range("D" & lZeile).Value, "Malaysia") > 0 And InStr(.Range("C" & lZeile).Value, "IMS") > 0 Then
        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = "Malaysia IMS NC"
ElseIf InStr(.Range("D" & lZeile).Value, "Malaysia") > 0 Then
        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = "Malaysia " & .Range("C" & lZeile).Value & " NC"

ElseIf InStr(.Range("D" & lZeile).Value, "Indonesien") > 0 And (InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 9001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 14001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "BS OHSAS 18001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 45001") > 0 Or InStr(.Range("B" & lZeile).Value, "ISO 50001") > 0) Then
        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = "Indonesien IMS CL"
ElseIf InStr(.Range("D" & lZeile).Value, "Indonesien") > 0 And InStr(.Range("C" & lZeile).Value, "IMS") > 0 Then
        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = "Indonesien IMS NC"
ElseIf InStr(.Range("D" & lZeile).Value, "Indonesien") > 0 Then
        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = "Indonesien " & .Range("C" & lZeile).Value & " NC"

        .Range("G" & lZeile).Value = ""
     End If
  Next lZeile
End With

End Sub


This is how the table looks right now. Column G should show the VBA result.

@Damian:亲爱的达米安,您的帮助真的很棒.但恐怕,我需要您的再次援助……桌上有一些国家(例如,保加利亚)遵守与马来西亚和马来西亚相同的规则印度尼西亚,但此外,当B列中的条目="ISO 22000"(在这种情况下,C列中的条目为"Food")时,它们也应标记为"Bulgaria Food CL".也可以在此代码中解决吗?提前非常感谢您!

@Damian: Dear Damian, your help here was really fantastic. But I am afraid, I need your assistance once again… I have some countries in the table (i.e. Bulgaria") which obey to the same rules as Malaysia & Indonesia, but additionally they should also be marked as „Bulgaria Food CL" when the entry in the column B = „ISO 22000" (in this case the entry in column C is „Food"). Can it also be solved within this code? Thank you so much in advance!



If I got it all right, this should do the trick in seconds:

Option Explicit
Public Sub CL_NC()

    'Looks like your whole range is between A:G columns, so we insert that data
    'inside the array

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Gesamt")
        'Last row
        Dim i  As Long: i = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        'insert your data into the array
        Dim arr As Variant: arr = .Range("A1:G" & i).Value
        'Declare a Country variable
        Dim Country As String
        'Loop through row 2 to the last (inside the array
        For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
            'Check which country we have
            Select Case GetString(arr(i, 4))
                Case "Malaysia"
                    Country = "Malaysia"
                Case "Indonesien"
                    Country = "Indonesien"
                Case Else
                    arr(i, 7) = vbNullString
                    GoTo NextRow
            End Select

            'Check which ISO we have
            Select Case GetString(arr(i, 2))
                Case "ISO 9001", "ISO 14001", "BS OHSAS 18001", "ISO 45001", "ISO 50001"
                    Country = Country & " IMS CL"
                Case Else
                    If arr(i, 3) Like "*IMS*" Then
                        Country = Country & " IMS NC"
                        Country = Country & " " & arr(i, 3) & " NC"
                    End If
            End Select
            arr(i, 7) = Country
        Next i
        .AutofilterMode = False
        i = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        .Range("A1:G" & i).Value = arr
    End With

End Sub
Private Function GetString(ByVal KeyValue As String) As String
    'Helper function to extract they key value for the strings
    'You can add as much as you need with Else If
    If KeyValue Like "*Malaysia*" Then
        GetString = "Malaysia"
    ElseIf KeyValue Like "*Indonesien*" Then
        GetString = "Indonesien"
    ElseIf KeyValue Like "*ISO 9001*" Then
        GetString = "ISO 9001"
    ElseIf KeyValue Like "*ISO 14001*" Then
        GetString = "ISO 14001"
    ElseIf KeyValue Like "*ISO 45001*" Then
        GetString = "ISO 45001"
    ElseIf KeyValue Like "*BS OHSAS 18001*" Then
        GetString = "BS OHSAS 18001"
    ElseIf KeyValue Like "*ISO 50001*" Then
        GetString = "ISO 50001"
    End If
End Function


08-15 05:02