



 < div class =radio>是否可以将下一个代码转换为bootsfaces标签? 
< label>< input type =radioname =optradio/>选项1< / label>
< / div>
< div class =radio>
< label>< input type =radioname =optradio/>选项2< / label>
< / div>


解决方案2016年7月18日更新:启发您的问题,我开始实施< b:radiobutton /> 组件比它的标准JSF组件更灵活。它将与BootsFaces的下一个版本一起发布 - 可能是1.0,这是JavaOne 2016的原因。在此之前,请遵循下面的配方。

我们没有实现< b:radioButton /> 但是,您可以通过添加隐藏的输入字段和一些JavaScript代码来模拟它:

 < b:panel title =Surveylook =primary> 
< p>您使用哪个Java版本?< / p>
< div class =radio>
< label onclick =$('。hidden-optradio')。val(7)>
< input type =radioname =optradiovalue =7/>
Java 7
< / label>
< / div>
< div class =radio>
< label onclick =$('。hidden-optradio')。val(8)>
< input type =radioname =optradiovalue =8/>
Java 8
< / label>
< / div>
< h:inputText value =#{radiobuttonBean.javaVersion}styleClass =hidden-optradiopt:type =hidden/>
< script> $('input [name = optradio] [value =#{radiobuttonBean.javaVersion}]')。attr(checked,checked);< / script>
< b:messages />
< / b:面板>

如果您需要AJAX,请通过添加一个隐藏的< b: commandButton update =someRegiononclick =ajax:myBean.myMethod()/> 并调用此按钮的 click()方法在标签 onclick 处理程序中: $( '隐藏optradio。')VAL(8); $(Ajax的按钮)。单击(); >
< input type =radioname =optradiovalue =8/>
Java 8
< / label>
< / div>
action =#{radiobuttonBean.submit}look =primary
update =@ form
style-class =隐藏ajax-button

Is it possible to transform the next code to bootsfaces labels?

<div class="radio">
    <label><input type="radio" name="optradio"/>Option 1</label>
 <div class="radio">
     <label><input type="radio" name="optradio"/>Option 2</label>

Thank you!


Update July 18, 2016: Inspired by your question, I've started to implement a <b:radiobutton /> component that's more flexible than its standard JSF counterpart. It will be published with the next version of BootsFaces - probably 1.0, which is due to JavaOne 2016. Until then, follow the recipe below.

We didn't implement <b:radioButton />yet, but you can simulate it by adding a hidden input field and some JavaScript code:

  <b:panel title="Survey" look="primary">
    <p>Which Java version do you use?</p>
    <div class="radio">
      <label onclick="$('.hidden-optradio').val(7)">
        <input type="radio" name="optradio" value="7" />
        Java 7
    <div class="radio">
     <label onclick="$('.hidden-optradio').val(8)">
        <input type="radio" name="optradio" value="8" />
        Java 8
    <h:inputText value="#{radiobuttonBean.javaVersion}" styleClass="hidden-optradio" pt:type="hidden" />
    <script>$('input[name=optradio][value=#{radiobuttonBean.javaVersion}]').attr("checked", "checked");</script>
    <b:commandButton value="submit your choice" action="#{radiobuttonBean.submit}" look="primary" />
    <b:messages />

If you need AJAX, implement it by adding a hidden <b:commandButton update="someRegion" onclick="ajax:myBean.myMethod()" /> and call the click() method of this button in the onclick handlers of the labels:

<label onclick="$('.hidden-optradio').val(8);$(.ajax-button).click();">
  <input type="radio" name="optradio" value="8" />
    Java 8
<b:commandButton value="submit your choice"
                 action="#{radiobuttonBean.submit}" look="primary"
                 style-class="hidden ajax-button"


08-15 04:55