本文介绍了哪个总和sholud顶部的C#-code写出来了?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 以下代码是在aspx网站上编写的。 ... ... long sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i< 888; i ++) { // GetIntFromSQL从SQL语句返回一个int -resultset with one //行,一列 sum + = GetIntFromSQL(EXEC dbo.ObscureProcedure @i =+ i.ToString()); }; Response.Write(sum.ToString()); ... ... 程序i Microsoft SQL Server服务器enligt: 创建程序dbo.ObscureProcedure @ i int AS BEGIN SELECT CASE 什么时候@i< 260那么 COUNT(*)* @ i ELSE COUNT(*)* 260 END AS ObscureCount 来自 VacationGadget WHERE @ i< 714 END 如果您在Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio中按以下步骤驾驶它... EXEC dbo.ObscureProcedure @i = 528 ...你得到: ObscureCount ------------ 3138460 (1行(s)受影响的) 总和最后写的C#代码是什么? i需要帮助解决这个?我不知道怎么算?我是新来的,请帮助 我的尝试: i试图找到关于我应该如何计算这个问题但没有运气的信息。我想了解解决这个问题的公式。什么应该与什么相加并添加等等。the following code is written in a aspx- site.......long sum = 0;for ( int i = 0; i < 888; i++){// GetIntFromSQL returns an int from an SQL-statement-resultset with one// row, one columnsum += GetIntFromSQL("EXEC dbo.ObscureProcedure @i = "+ i.ToString());};Response.Write(sum.ToString());......Proceduren i Microsoft SQL Server ser ut enligt:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ObscureProcedure@i intASBEGINSELECTCASEWHEN @i < 260 THENCOUNT(*) * @iELSECOUNT(*) * 260END AS ObscureCountFROMVacationGadgetWHERE@i < 714ENDif you drive it in i Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio the following procedure ...EXEC dbo.ObscureProcedure @i = 528... the you get :ObscureCount------------3138460(1 row(s) affected)which sum sholud the C#-code at the top write out?i need help solving this? i don't know how to count it ? I'm new at this, please helpWhat I have tried:i have tried to find info about how i should calculate this problem but without luck. i want to understand the formula to solve this. what should i multiple with what and add and so on.推荐答案运行它,并找出:它将取决于您的数据,我们没有任何数据访问。Run it, and find out: it's going to depend on your data, which we do not have any access to.一些数学魔法的时间! :) 打破存储过程: 如果 @i 大于或等于 714 ,它什么都不返回; 如果 @i 大于或等于 260 ,它返回 260 × C ,其中 C 是 VacationGadget 表中的记录数; 如果 @i 小于 260 ,则返回 @i × C ;Time for some mathematical magic! :)Breaking the stored procedure down:If @i is greater than or equal to 714, it returns nothing;If @i is greater than or equal to 260, it returns 260 × C, where C is the number of records in the VacationGadget table;If @i is less than 260, it returns @i × C; 我们可以打折第一次迭代,因为 0 ×任何 = 0 。 我们可能打折从 714 到 888 - 假设你的 GetIntFromSQL 方法在存储过程没有返回任何结果时做正确的事。 对于 1 到 259 ,SQL的结果将是 i × C 。 因此,该部分循环的总和将是: (来自 1 到 259 )× C 。 对于 260 到 713 ,SQL的结果将是 260 × C 。 因此,该部分循环的总和将是( 714 - 260 )× 260 × C ;We can discount the first iteration, since 0 × anything = 0.We can probably discount anything from 714 to 888 - assuming your GetIntFromSQL method does the right thing when the stored procedure doesn't return any results.For 1 to 259, the result from SQL will be i × C.Therefore, the total sum for that part of the loop will be:(the sum of integers from 1 to 259) × C.For 260 to 713, the result from SQL will be 260 × C.Therefore, the total sum for that part of the loop will be (714 - 260) × 260 × C; (从 1 到的整数之和> 259 ) = 259 × 260 ÷ 2 (为什么? [ ^ ]) = 33,670 ; ( 714 - 260 )× 260 = 454 × 260 = 118,040 ;(the sum of integers from 1 to 259)= 259 × 260 ÷ 2 (Why?[^])= 33,670;(714 - 260) × 260= 454 × 260= 118,040; 这篇关于哪个总和sholud顶部的C#-code写出来了?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-15 04:39