。 有一个简单的方法吗?我错过了Button属性中的某些内容吗? 谢谢Hi.Is it possible to do a State Button ? (state selected, and state notselected)I want to do a choice : for example male/female yes/no.So, if the user select Yes, no will be not selected, and Yes will beselected.Is there a simple way ? Have I miss something in the Button property ?Thanks推荐答案您好Mathieu, 好​​吧,您可以使用文本框,并将外观设置为按钮,或使用单击a按钮时切换的 布尔标志。 在任何一种情况下,你都需要自己更改按钮的文字。 private bool yes = true; private void button1_Click(object sender,System.EventArgs e) { yes =!yes; if(yes) button1.Text ="是" ;; else button1.Text =" No"; } private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender,System.EventArgs e) { if(checkBox1.Checked) checkBox1.Text ="是" ;; else checkBox1.Text =" No"; } 快乐的编码! Morten Wennevik [C#MVP]Hi Mathieu,Well, you can use a textbox, and set the Appearance to Button, or use aboolean flag that you switch when the a button is clicked.In either case, you will need to change the text of the button yourself.private bool yes = true;private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){yes = !yes;if(yes)button1.Text = "Yes";elsebutton1.Text = "No";}private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e){if(checkBox1.Checked)checkBox1.Text = "Yes";elsecheckBox1.Text = "No";}Happy coding!Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]为什么不使用面板/组合框内的单选按钮,你甚至可以设置单选按钮的 外观显示为按钮甚至可以 包括图片 -Benny Mathieu Chavoutier写道:Why not use a radio button inside a panel/groupbox, you can even set theappearance of the radio button to appear as a button and can eveninclude images-BennyMathieu Chavoutier wrote:嗨。 可以做一个状态按钮吗? (状态选择,状态未选择)我想做一个选择:例如男/女是/否。因此,如果用户选择是,则不会选择否,将会被选中。 有一个简单的方法吗?我有没有错过Button属性的内容? 谢谢 Hi. Is it possible to do a State Button ? (state selected, and state not selected) I want to do a choice : for example male/female yes/no. So, if the user select Yes, no will be not selected, and Yes will be selected. Is there a simple way ? Have I miss something in the Button property ? Thanks" Morten Wennevik" <莫************ @ hotmail.com> écritdansle message de news:opr7voc9sihntkfz @ localhost ...嗨Mathieu, 嗯,您可以使用文本框,并将外观设置为按钮,或使用单击a按钮时切换的布尔标志。 在任何一种情况下,您都需要自己更改按钮的文本。 "Morten Wennevik" <Mo************@hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message denews:opr7voc9sihntkfz@localhost... Hi Mathieu, Well, you can use a textbox, and set the Appearance to Button, or use a boolean flag that you switch when the a button is clicked. In either case, you will need to change the text of the button yourself. 我不是只做一个按钮,而是改变它的状态。 这是一个好主意,但是,我的程序将被那些甚至不能使用的人使用 必须 知道什么是电脑。所以,如果他们看不到他们的眼睛下面有很多 的解决方案,那对他们来说就难了。我的目标如果要做一个非常简单的 程序来使用。 但是,谢谢你,我会尝试将这个想法留给另一个程序:o) 。I didn''t though to do only one button, and to change its state.It is a good idea, but, my program will be used by people who don''t evenhave toknow what is a computer. So, if they can''t see that there are a lots ofsolution under theireyes, it will be to hard for them. My objectiv if to do a really simpleprogram to use.But, thank you, I will try to keep this idea for another program :o). 这篇关于状态按钮的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-15 04:24