



我的视图控制器底部有3个按钮,btn1 btn2 btn3,我使用它们而不是标签栏,因为根据我的要求无法完全自定义标签栏。

I have 3 buttons at the bottom of my view controller, btn1 btn2 btn3, I'm using them instead of the tab bar as it is not possible to entirely customize a tab bar as per my requirements.


Now the issue is, when btn1 is pressed, I want it to change its image, to a grey rectangle, instead of the normal state image. I have set the images for both states in the outlet I declared for the button, btn1Outlet, using the setimage and uicontrolstate properties of the outlet.

问题是,在按下btn2或btn3之前,我无法保持按钮的选择状态。 btn只要按下它就会改变选定的状态图像,当我离开它时,它会变回正常状态。

The problem is, I can't keep the button selected until say either btn2 or btn3 is pressed. btn one changes to the selected state image only as long as it is pressed, the moment I leave it, it changes back to its normal state.


How can I keep btn1's image as selected image until any of the other 2 buttons are pressed?


您所做的是设置突出显示的图像 状态,这就是为什么当你推它时你可以看到你的形象。

What you did is set an image for the "Highlighted" state, this is why when you push it you can see your image.



1) set the image for the SELECTED state


2) create a property for your view controller (just controll drag the button to the header) using the assistant view (while on storyboard, second square on the top right)


3) on your method for the button's action type:

button.selected = !button.selected;


(obviously replace button to whatever you named your property to)


08-15 04:24