

在我的模型中,要完成的最重复的任务之一是计算数组中每个元素的数量.计数来自一个封闭的集合,所以我知道有 X 类型的元素,它们全部或部分填充数组,以及代表空"单元格的零.该数组没有以任何方式排序,并且可能排序很长(大约 100 万个元素),并且该任务在一次模拟(也是数百次模拟的一部分)期间完成了数千次.结果应该是一个大小为X的向量r,所以r(k)k在数组.


对于 X = 9,如果我有以下输入向量:

v = [0 7 8 3 0 4 4 5 3 4 4 8 3 0 6 8 5 5 0 3]


r = [0 0 4 4 3 1 1 3 0]

请注意,我不想要零的数量,并且没有出现在数组中的元素(如 2)在相应的数组中有一个 0结果向量的位置 (r(2) == 0).



tl;dr: 最快的方法取决于数组的大小.对于小于 2 的数组,下面的方法 3 (accumarray) 更快.对于比下面的方法 2 (histcounts) 更大的数组.



  1. 有趣的是,最快的方法发生了变化.对于小于 2 的数组,accumarray 是最快的.对于大于 2 的数组,histcounts 是最快的.
  2. 正如预期的那样,原始的 for 循环在两个版本中都是最慢的,但是对于小于 2 的数组,unique & for"选项更慢.ndgrid 在大于 2 的数组中变得最慢,可能是因为需要在内存中存储非常大的矩阵.
  3. tabulate 处理小于 2 的数组的方式存在一些不规则性.这个结果在我进行的所有试验中都是一致的(在模式上有一些变化).

(bsxfunndgrid 曲线被截断,因为它让我的电脑卡在更高的值上,而且趋势已经很明显了)

另外,请注意 y 轴在 log 中,因此单位减少(例如对于大小为 2 的数组,accumarrayhistcounts) 表示操作速度提高 10 倍.




函数输出=timing_hist(N,n)M = 兰迪([0 n],N,1);func_times = {'for','unique &for ','tabulate','histcounts','accumarray','bsxfun','ndgrid';时间(@()循环(M,n)),...时间(@() uloop(M,n)),...timeit(@() tabi(M)),...timeit(@() histci(M,n)),...时间(@() accumi(M)),...时间(@() bsxi(M,n)),...timeit(@() gridi(M,n))};out = cell2mat(func_times(2,:));结尾函数 spp = 循环(M,n)spp = 零(n,1);对于 k = 1:size(spp,1);spp(k) = sum(M==k);结尾结尾函数 spp = uloop(M,n)u = 唯一 (M);spp = 零(n,1);对于 k = u(u>0).';spp(k) = sum(M==k);结尾结尾功能选项卡 = 分趾袜(M)制表符 = 制表(M);如果选项卡(1)==0tab(1,:) = [];结尾结尾函数 spp = histci(M,n)spp = histcounts(M,1:n+1);结尾函数 spp = accumi(M)spp = accumarray(M(M>0),1);结尾函数 spp = bsxi(M,n)spp = bsxfun(@eq,M,1:n);spp = sum(spp,1);结尾函数 spp = gridi(M,n)[Mx,nx] = ndgrid(M,1:n);spp = sum(Mx==nx);结尾


N = 25;% 对于 `bsxfun` 和 `ndgrid` 函数,不建议使用 N>19 运行它.func_times = zeros(N,5);对于 n = 1:Nfunc_times(n,:) =timing_hist(2^n,500);结尾% 绘图:坚持,稍等标记 = 'xo*^dsp';对于 k = 1:size(func_times,2)plot(1:size(func_times,1),log10(func_times(:,k).*1000),['-' mark(k)],...'MarkerEdgeColor','k','LineWidth',1.5);结尾推迟xlabel('Log_2(Array size)','FontSize',16)ylabel('Log_{10}(执行时间) (ms)','FontSize',16)Legend({'for','unique & for','tabulate','histcounts','accumarray','bsxfun','ndgrid'},...'位置','西北','字体大小',14)网格开启

In my models, one of the most repeated tasks to be done is counting the number of each element within an array. The counting is from a closed set, so I know there are X types of elements, and all or some of them populate the array, along with zeros that represent 'empty' cells. The array is not sorted in any way, and could by quite long (about 1M elements), and this task is done thousands of times during one simulation (which is also part of hundreds of simulations). The result should be a vector r of size X, so r(k) is the amount of k in the array.


For X = 9, if I have the following input vector:

v = [0 7 8 3 0 4 4 5 3 4 4 8 3 0 6 8 5 5 0 3]

I would like to get this result:

r = [0 0 4 4 3 1 1 3 0]

Note that I don't want the count of zeros, and that elements that don't appear in the array (like 2) have a 0 in the corresponding position of the result vector (r(2) == 0).

What would be the fastest way to achieve this goal?


tl;dr: The fastest method depend on the size of the array. For array smaller than 2 method 3 below (accumarray) is faster. For arrays larger than that method 2 below (histcounts) is better.

UPDATE: I tested this also with implicit broadcasting, that was introduced in 2016b, and the results are almost equal to the bsxfun approach, with no significant difference in this method (relative to the other methods).

Let's see what are the available methods to perform this task. For the following examples we will assume X has n elements, from 1 to n, and our array of interest is M, which is a column array that can vary in size. Our result vector will be spp, such that spp(k) is the number of ks in M. Although I write here about X, there is no explicit implementation of it in the code below, I just define n = 500 and X is implicitly 1:500.

The naive for loop

The most simple and straightforward way to cope this task is by a for loop that iterate over the elements in X and count the number of elements in M that equal to it:

function spp = loop(M,n)
spp = zeros(n,1);
for k = 1:size(spp,1);
    spp(k) = sum(M==k);

This is off course not so smart, especially if only little group of elements from X is populating M, so we better look first for those that are already in M:

function spp = uloop(M,n)
u = unique(M); % finds which elements to count
spp = zeros(n,1);
for k = u(u>0).';
    spp(k) = sum(M==k);

Usually, in MATLAB, it is advisable to take advantage of the built-in functions as much as possible, since most of the times they are much faster. I thought of 5 options to do so:

1. The function tabulate

The function tabulate returns a very convenient frequency table that at first sight seem to be the perfect solution for this task:

function tab = tabi(M)
tab = tabulate(M);
if tab(1)==0
    tab(1,:) = [];

The only fix to be done is to remove the first row of the table if it counts the 0 element (it could be that there are no zeros in M).

2. The function histcounts

Another option that can be tweaked quite easily to our need it histcounts:

function spp = histci(M,n)
spp = histcounts(M,1:n+1);

here, in order to count all different elements between 1 to n separately, we define the edges to be 1:n+1, so every element in X has it's own bin. We could write also histcounts(M(M>0),'BinMethod','integers'), but I already tested it, and it takes more time (though it makes the function independent of n).

3. The function accumarray

The next option I'll bring here is the use of the function accumarray:

function spp = accumi(M)
spp = accumarray(M(M>0),1);

here we give the function M(M>0) as input, to skip the zeros, and use 1 as the vals input to count all unique elements.

4. The function bsxfun

We can even use binary operation @eq (i.e. ==) to look for all elements from each type:

function spp = bsxi(M,n)
spp = bsxfun(@eq,M,1:n);
spp = sum(spp,1);

if we keep the first input M and the second 1:n in different dimensions, so one is a column vector the other is a row vector, then the function compares each element in M with each element in 1:n, and create a length(M)-by-n logical matrix than we can sum to get the desired result.

5. The function ndgrid

Another option, similar to the bsxfun, is to explicitly create the two matrices of all possibilities using the ndgrid function:

function spp = gridi(M,n)
[Mx,nx] = ndgrid(M,1:n);
spp = sum(Mx==nx);

then we compare them and sum over columns, to get the final result.


I have done a little test to find the fastest method from all mentioned above, I defined n = 500 for all trails. For some (especially the naive for) there is a great impact of n on the time of execution, but this is not the issue here since we want to test it for a given n.

Here are the results:

We can notice several things:

  1. Interestingly, there is a shift in the fastest method. For arrays smaller than 2 accumarray is the fastest. For arrays larger than 2 histcounts is the fastest.
  2. As expected the naive for loops, in both versions are the slowest, but for arrays smaller than 2 the "unique & for" option is slower. ndgrid become the slowest in arrays bigger than 2, probably because of the need to store very large matrices in memory.
  3. There is some irregularity in the way tabulate works on arrays in size smaller than 2. This result was consistent (with some variation in the pattern) in all the trials I conducted.

(the bsxfun and ndgrid curves are truncated because it makes my computer stuck in higher values, and the trend is quite clear already)

Also, notice that the y-axis is in log, so a decrease in unit (like for arrays in size 2, between accumarray and histcounts) means a 10-times faster operation.

I'll be glad to hear in the comments for improvements to this test, and if you have another, conceptually different method, you are most welcome to suggest it as an answer.

The code

Here are all the functions wrapped in a timing function:

function out = timing_hist(N,n)
M = randi([0 n],N,1);
func_times = {'for','unique & for','tabulate','histcounts','accumarray','bsxfun','ndgrid';
    timeit(@() loop(M,n)),...
    timeit(@() uloop(M,n)),...
    timeit(@() tabi(M)),...
    timeit(@() histci(M,n)),...
    timeit(@() accumi(M)),...
    timeit(@() bsxi(M,n)),...
    timeit(@() gridi(M,n))};
out = cell2mat(func_times(2,:));

function spp = loop(M,n)
spp = zeros(n,1);
for k = 1:size(spp,1);
    spp(k) = sum(M==k);

function spp = uloop(M,n)
u = unique(M);
spp = zeros(n,1);
for k = u(u>0).';
    spp(k) = sum(M==k);

function tab = tabi(M)
tab = tabulate(M);
if tab(1)==0
    tab(1,:) = [];

function spp = histci(M,n)
spp = histcounts(M,1:n+1);

function spp = accumi(M)
spp = accumarray(M(M>0),1);

function spp = bsxi(M,n)
spp = bsxfun(@eq,M,1:n);
spp = sum(spp,1);

function spp = gridi(M,n)
[Mx,nx] = ndgrid(M,1:n);
spp = sum(Mx==nx);

And here is the script to run this code and produce the graph:

N = 25; % it is not recommended to run this with N>19 for the `bsxfun` and `ndgrid` functions.
func_times = zeros(N,5);
for n = 1:N
    func_times(n,:) = timing_hist(2^n,500);
% plotting:
hold on
mark = 'xo*^dsp';
for k = 1:size(func_times,2)
    plot(1:size(func_times,1),log10(func_times(:,k).*1000),['-' mark(k)],...
hold off
xlabel('Log_2(Array size)','FontSize',16)
ylabel('Log_{10}(Execution time) (ms)','FontSize',16)
legend({'for','unique & for','tabulate','histcounts','accumarray','bsxfun','ndgrid'},...
grid on


08-15 04:14