

我有一个app.config文件,需要与我的应用程序一起分发。由于创建了对我添加的ASMX Web服务的服务引用而创建了它。

I have an app.config file that I need to distribute with my application. It was created because of a Service Reference to an ASMX web service I added.


It isn't a huge deal if this file is modified/viewed, but I still would like to make it secure. I already check the hash of the config and make sure it is valid, but I still want an added layer of protection.



您不能加密整个< system .serviceModel> -这是一个配置节组,其中包含配置节。

You cannot encrypt the entire <system.serviceModel> - it's a configuration section group, which contains configuration sections.

aspnet_regiis 仅加密配置部分-因此您需要有选择地加密所需的部分,例如:

The aspnet_regiis will only encrypt configuration sections - so you need to selectively encrypt those parts you need, like this:

cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "system.serviceModel/bindings" .
aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "system.serviceModel/services" .



With this, you can encrypt what you need easily - what isn't too important, can be left in clear text.

警告词:由于它是 aspnet_regiis ,它希望处理的是网站.config 文件-将您的 app.config 复制到一个位置,并将其命名为 web.config ,对部分进行加密,然后将这些加密的部分复制回自己的 app.config 中。

Word of warning: since it's aspnet_regiis, it expects to be dealing with a web.config file - copy your app.config to a location and call it web.config, encrypt your sections, and copy those encrypted sections back into your own app.config.

或编写您自己的配置部分加密器/解密器-实际上只需要几行代码!或使用我的-我写了一个小的 ConfigSectionCrypt 实用程序,将其从我的-带有完整源代码(C#-.NET 3.5-Visual Studio 2008)。它允许您从任何配置文件中加密和解密部分-只需在命令行中指定文件名即可。

Or write your own config section encrypter/decrypter - it's really just a few lines of code! Or use mine - I wrote a small ConfigSectionCrypt utility, come grab it off my OneDrive - with full source (C# - .NET 3.5 - Visual Studio 2008). It allows you to encrypt and decrypt sections from any config file - just specify the file name on the command line.


08-15 04:12