

本文介绍了在 Perl 中打开和读取文件的最佳方式是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


请注意 - 我不是在寻找打开/读取文件的正确"方式,或者我每次都应该打开/读取文件的方式.我只是有兴趣找出大多数人使用的方式,并且可能同时学习一些新方法:)*

Please note - I am not looking for the "right" way to open/read a file, or the way I should open/read a file every single time. I am just interested to find out what way most people use, and maybe learn a few new methods at the same time :)*

我的 Perl 程序中一个非常常见的代码块是打开一个文件并读取或写入它.我见过很多这样做的方法,而且我执行这项任务的方式多年来已经改变了几次.我只是想知道最好(如果有最好的方法)方法是什么?

A very common block of code in my Perl programs is opening a file and reading or writing to it. I have seen so many ways of doing this, and my style on performing this task has changed over the years a few times. I'm just wondering what the best (if there is a best way) method is to do this?


I used to open a file like this:

my $input_file = "/path/to/my/file";
open INPUT_FILE, "<$input_file"  || die "Can't open $input_file: $!


But I think that has problems with error trapping.


Adding a parenthesis seems to fix the error trapping:

open (INPUT_FILE, "<$input_file")  || die "Can't open $input_file: $!

我知道您也可以将文件句柄分配给变量,因此我可以使用 $input_filehandle,而不是像上面那样使用INPUT_FILE"——这样更好吗?

I know you can also assign a filehandle to a variable, so instead of using "INPUT_FILE" like I did above, I could have used $input_filehandle - is that way better?

对于读取一个文件,如果它很小,像这样 globbing 有什么问题吗?

For reading a file, if it is small, is there anything wrong with globbing, like this?

my @array = <INPUT_FILE>;

my $file_contents = join( "
", <INPUT_FILE> );


or should you always loop through, like this:

my @array;
while (<INPUT_FILE>) {
  push(@array, $_);

我知道在 perl 中有很多方法可以完成任务,我只是想知道是否有首选/标准的打开和读取文件的方法?

I know there are so many ways to accomplish things in perl, I'm just wondering if there are preferred/standard methods of opening and reading in a file?



There are no universal standards, but there are reasons to prefer one or another. My preferred form is this:

open( my $input_fh, "<", $input_file ) || die "Can't open $input_file: $!";


  • 您立即报告错误.(如果这是您想要的,请将死亡"替换为警告".)
  • 您的文件句柄现在是引用计数的,因此一旦您不使用它,它将自动关闭.如果您使用全局名称 INPUT_FILEHANDLE,那么您必须手动关闭该文件,否则它会一直保持打开状态,直到程序退出.
  • 读取模式指示符<"与 $input_file 分开,提高可读性.


The following is great if the file is small and you know you want all lines:

my @lines = <$input_fh>;


You can even do this, if you need to process all lines as a single string:

my $text = join('', <$input_fh>);

对于长文件,您需要使用 while 遍历行,或使用 read.

For long files you will want to iterate over lines with while, or use read.

这篇关于在 Perl 中打开和读取文件的最佳方式是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 03:55