

本文介绍了WPF XAML:如何在 XAML 中自动缩小组件的子级?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



xaml 文件 1:模板化列表控件

xaml file 1: a templated list control

<ItemsControl ItemSource={Binding myUIrelatedDataList}/>
           <my:DynamicUIPresenter Width="160" Height="80"/>
           <!-- here, I want to specify my desired size to which i want to
                scale down the generated UIElements -->

xaml 文件 2:项目模板

xaml file 2: the item template

 <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
    <Border Child="{Binding Path=., Converter={StaticResource DynaUIConverter}}"/>

问题是我对 myUIrelatedDataList 以及 DynaUIConverter 生成的 UIElements 的类型一无所知.DynaUIConverter 通常会生成一组相互嵌套并包含文本框、按钮等的 Stackpanel.这些面板没有设置 Width 或 Height,我可能无法修复.

The problem is that I do not know anything about the myUIrelatedDataList and what exact kind of UIElements the DynaUIConverter is producing. The DynaUIConverter usually produces a set of Stackpanels nested in each other and containing TextBoxes, Buttons, etc. These panels do not have a Width or Height set, which I might not be able to fix.

我认为我需要测量生成的 UI 的最小尺寸要求,并动态地将 ScaleTransform 应用于生成的 UI,或者更好地应用于包含生成的 UI 的 Border.

I think I need to measure the minimum size requirements of the generated UI and dynamically apply a ScaleTransform to the produced UI, or maybe better to the Border containing the generated UI.


I tried this in code behind, but the scaling did not work correctly, since I was not able to understand how/if width and height propagation from children to parents really works. And I also ran into some recursion problem, which made the code in the end quite inefficient.

现在的问题是:我可以在 XAML 中直接/轻松地缩小子元素吗?


我相信 Viewbox 会做你想做的.它有一个子项,它总是被赋予其所需的大小,并将 ScaleTransform 应用于子项,使其适合于 Viewbox.默认情况下,它将应用均匀拉伸,但您可以通过设置 拉伸 属性.

I believe a Viewbox will do what you want. It has a single child which is always given its desired size, and it applies a ScaleTransform to the child so that it fits inside the Viewbox. By default it will apply a uniform stretch, but you can change this by setting the Stretch property.


<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding myUIrelatedDataList}">
            <Viewbox Width="160" Height="80">
                <my:DynamicUIPresenter />

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08-15 03:45