




I am looking to use the Amazon Web Services (S3 and DynamoDB). Currently I am creating an Android App that would otherwise require me to store User Information for registration/log in, and User generated content such as pictures, strings of sorts, dates and times.. etc.


Has anyone had any experience with these 2 services and which on would be ideal for my current application. I believe the Amazon S3 is just primarily just to store files/images and I don't believe it calls for multiple user interaction but I may be missing something.


Any advice would be great, thank you!


最有可能的,他们都没有将(单)的解决方案。你很可能会同时使用,但你应该也考虑 RDS针对DynamoDB 的自DynamoDB是一个数据库,但不是关系数据库中,并且只收录在主键

Most likely, neither of them will be "the" (single) solution. You very well might use both, although you should probably also consider RDS against DynamoDB since DynamoDB is a database, but not a relational database, and is only indexed on the primary key.


问:什么时候应该使用亚马逊DynamoDB VS亚马逊S3

亚马逊DynamoDB存储结构化数据,通过主键索引,并允许低延迟读取和写入访问的项目,从1个字节至64KB。亚马逊S3存储非结构化BLOB和适合存储大对象最多5 TB。为了优化在AWS服务上,大型物件或不常访问的数据集的费用应存储在Amazon S3中,而较小的数据元素或文件指针(可能指向Amazon S3对象)最好保存在亚马逊DynamoDB。

Amazon DynamoDB stores structured data, indexed by primary key, and allows low latency read and write access to items ranging from 1 byte up to 64KB. Amazon S3 stores unstructured blobs and suited for storing large objects up to 5 TB. In order to optimize your costs across AWS services, large objects or infrequently accessed data sets should be stored in Amazon S3, while smaller data elements or file pointers (possibly to Amazon S3 objects) are best saved in Amazon DynamoDB.


08-15 03:06