



我正在 OpenSees(一个主要用 Visual Studio C++ 编写的开源地震工程模拟项目)编写自适应步长更新算法.我在两个不同的头文件(即 windef.hsteelz01.h)中面临两个同名变量之间的冲突.我需要一种方法来解决这个冲突.

I am writing an adaptive step size update algorithm in OpenSees (an opensource earthquake engineering simulation project written majorly in visual studio c++). I am facing a conflict between two variables having the same name in two different header files (namely, windef.h and steelz01.h). I need a way to resolve this conflict.


I am using gnuplot-iostream.h in my project, I am facing this conflict only when I include this header file, otherwise there is no conlfict, code is builidng perfectly.

基本上gnuplot-iostream.h 正在调用windows.h,后者进一步调用windef.h.我在 steelz01.h 文件中添加了 include gauards,但它没有解决问题.

Basically gnuplot-iostream.h is calling windows.h, which is further calling windef.h. I have added include gauards in steelz01.h file, but it did not resolve the issue.

当我将 steelz01.h 中的 varaibale 名称更改为不同的名称时,代码也可以完美构建.没有发现问题.但是,我不想在 steelz01 中更改变量的名称,它会产生严重的影响.

When I change the varaibale name in steelz01.h to a different name, then also the code is perfectly building. No ISSUE found. But, I don't want to channge the name of the variable in steelz01, it has serious repercussions.


#include "gnuplot-iostream.h"
#include <SteelZ01.h>

这是在 steelz01 中定义变量 SIZE 的方式

This is how the variable SIZE is defined in steelz01

#define LOOP_NUM_LIMIT               30
const int SIZE = LOOP_NUM_LIMIT; //limit of array number


and in windef.h, it is defined like this

typedef struct tagSIZE
    LONG        cx;
    LONG        cy;

typedef SIZE               SIZEL;
typedef SIZE               *PSIZEL, *LPSIZEL;

Visual Studio 2017 抛出此错误,

Visual Studio 2017 is throwing this error,

1>c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\include\shared\windef.h(190): error C2378: 'SIZE': redefinition; symbol cannot be overloaded with a typedef

1>e:\phd working folder\0_ops_github\src\material\nd\reinforcedconcreteplanestress\steelz01.h(17): note: see declaration of 'SIZE'


I am expecting a way to resolve this conflict and a successful build.


我建议你将 include 语句放在命名空间中,

I would suggest you to put include statement in namespace,

namespace ABC
    #include "gnuplot-iostream.h"

namespace PQR
   #include <SteelZ01.h>




This will not change any code of existing libraries. However, author of library using common names hence suggest him to keep common name under namespace to reduce any conflict.


08-15 02:47