本文介绍了Quartz 2D与OpenGL ES学习曲线的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在开发iPhone应用程序几个月。我想知道您对Quartz vs OpenGL ES 1.x或2.0学习曲线的看法。你可以告诉你的观点。我的问题是

I have been developing iPhone Applications for a couple of months. I would like to know your views about the Quartz vs OpenGL ES 1.x or 2.0 learning curve. You can tell your perspective. My Questions are


*I am a wannabe game developer, So is it a good idea to first develop in quartz , then move
on to OpenGL ES or does it not make an difference *Can you please tell your experiences when you were having the similar question



Quartz 2D不适用于游戏开发恕我直言。它是一个软件渲染API。它不会给你实时渲染速度。它适用于绘制带阴影的图表或矢量文本,或将多个图像混合在一起。只是不适合游戏。除非你想制作一款几乎没有图像在单色背景下移动的游戏,即使在这种情况下,我怀疑它在旧设备上会非常流畅。我见过一些明显用Quartz编码的游戏。一个可怜的景象。

迟早你最终会使用Open GL ES或游戏框架。我建议您检查cocos2D,SIO2引擎或SDK中的示例。
通过精心编程,可以制作具有视差滚动的Open GL ES游戏,相对少量的物体即使在第二代设备上也能以60 FPS工作。 Tiny Wings就是这种游戏的一个例子。保持稳定的30 FPS根本不是问题。

Quartz 2D is not applicable for game development IMHO. It is a software rendering API. It won't give you realtime rendering speed. It's good for drawing charts or vector text with shadows, or for blending several images together. Just not for games. Unless you want to make a game where few images are moving against a monochrome background and even in that case I doubt it will be really smooth on older devices. I've seen some games obviously coded with Quartz. A pitiful sight.

Sooner or later you'll end up using Open GL ES or a game framework build on top of it. I recommend you to check cocos2D, SIO2 engine, or examples from SDK.With careful programming it is possible to make an Open GL ES game with parallax scrolling and relatively small amount of objects work at 60 FPS even on 2nd gen devices. Tiny Wings is an example of such game. And maintaining stable 30 FPS is not a problem at all.

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08-15 02:37