


Is it possible to make perspective image transformation in html5 canvas? I am using EaselJS right now and can't find a solution for my need.


我没有尝试过画架。但是,但每个图像转换都是通过矩阵运算完成的:平移,旋转,倾斜等。查看画架上的源代码,有一个 Matrix2D 类和文档它:。对于透视转换,您需要使用 rotation 缩放倾斜。您只需要玩最适合您需求的值和测试。

I don't tried the easel.js yet, but every image transformation is done with matrix operations: translate, rotate, skew etc. Looking on the easel.js source code there is a Matrix2D class, and the documentation to it: http://www.createjs.com/Docs/EaselJS/Matrix2D.html. For a perspective transformation you need to use rotation, scaling and skewing. You need to only play with values and test which is best suited for your needs.


09-14 04:39