




I'm trying to develop a simple 3d environment (in openTK, so basically openGL) and implement simple collision detection. I will have the camera object which will have a bounding cube and a world full of triangles and quads.


If I'm given a bounding cube (or bounding sphere if that's easier) and a list of polygons, is there a quick and dirty way to do basic collision detection?



好吧,简单的包围盒碰撞,我写了下面的方法,将接受的BoundingBox 对象,并确定它是一个的BoundingBox 的当前实例中。

Ok, for simple bounding box collision, I wrote the following method that will accept a BoundingBox object and determine if it is inside the the current instance of a BoundingBox.


A bounding box consists of the a Point3D object (same as the Point class but with a Z coordinate) for the center of the bounding box, and the height, width, and depth of the box. With those 4 objects, it calculates the Left (min X), Right (max X), Bottom (min Y), Top (max Y), Front (min Z) and Back (max Z) of the box (The box is axis aligned. This is simple collision). Here is the method to detect if one box is within the other, and if so, modifiy the box to move it outside.

    public void Intersection(ref BoundingBox box)
        double lr = Left - box.Right;
        double rl = box.Left - Right;
        double bt = Bottom - box.Top;
        double tb = box.Bottom - Top;
        double fb = Front - box.Back;
        double bf = box.Front - Back;

        if (lr > 0 || rl > 0 || bt > 0 || tb > 0 || bf > 0 || fb > 0)

        double max = Math.Max(lr, Math.Max(rl, Math.Max(bt, Math.Max(tb, Math.Max(bf, fb)))));

        if (_complex)
            if (ComplexIntersection(ref box))

        if (max == lr)
            box.Center.X += max;
        else if (max == rl)
            box.Center.X -= max;
        else if (max == bt)
            box.Center.Y += max;
        else if (max == tb)
            box.Center.Y -= max;
        else if (max == fb)
            box.Center.Z += max;
        else if (max == bf)
            box.Center.Z -= max;

您做类似调用它: meshData。 Box.Intersection(REF camera.box); ,其中 meshData 在场景某种几何和相机是当前用户的角度来看的对象。

You call it by doing something like: meshData.Box.Intersection(ref camera.box); where meshData is some kind of geometry in the scene and the camera is the object for the current user's perspective.



08-15 02:22