本文介绍了Unity 2D 动画部分运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个人类步行周期的 2D 骨架动画 - 这很好.我正在努力编写应该只停止手部动画但腿不应该停止的代码(在玩家输入上 - 例如按空格键)是否可以在某些条件下禁用动画关键帧/曲线/属性或任何其他方式来实现此目的.

I have a 2D skeleton animation of human walk cycle - which is fine. I am trying hard to code that should STOP only hands animation but legs should not (on a player input - for example on space bar press)Is it possible to disable animation keyframes/curves/properties on some condition Or any other way to achieve this.



Have multiple states in your Animation Controller. Let one state have both hands and legs animation, and the other have only legs animation. Transition from the first state to another by adding a parameter in your Animation Controller. Let the parameter be a bool.

例如:从运行动画到休息动画,有一个布尔值 stopRunning 和从休息动画到运行动画,有一个布尔值 startRunning

Ex: From running animation to rest animation, have a bool stopRunning and from rest animation to run animation, have a bool startRunning


So when the statRunning bool is set, the character transits from rest animation to running animation, and when the stopRunning bool is set, the character is put to rest.


Then in your code, when spacebar is pressed, call these functions

public void StopRunning() {
        if (_PlayerAnimator.isActiveAndEnabled) {
            _PlayerAnimator.SetBool("stopRunning", true);
            _PlayerAnimator.SetBool("startRunning", false);

public void StartRunning() {
        if (_PlayerAnimator.isActiveAndEnabled) {
            _PlayerAnimator.SetBool("startRunning", true);
            _PlayerAnimator.SetBool("stopRunning", false);

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08-15 02:04