

本文介绍了&是什么QUOT; CLR20r3"代表? (什么版本的CLR的是)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



the obvious choice would be "CLR version 2.0 revision 3" but unfortunatly there is no such a thing. The closest I can come to a definitive list is wikipedia, but that uses major/minor numbering systems.

这上来的原因,是因为我有一个客户想经营我的.NET4的应用程序,但它一直对XmlReader.Dispose clr20r3的MissingMethodException(崩溃),原来的.NET4安装失败的计算机上,因此没吨有在.N​​ET 4 system.xml.dll的。

The reason this came up, is because I had a customer trying to run my .net4 app, but it kept crashing with clr20r3 MissingMethodException on XmlReader.Dispose() turns out the .net4 install failed on their computer so it didn't have the .net 4 system.xml.dll.

但是,当排除此,我试图找出clr20r3意思(IIRC,.NET 3中使用的CLR2也)。

But when troubleshooting this, I was trying to find out what clr20r3 meant (IIRC, .net 3 used the CLR2 also).


anyone got a lead for figuring this out? searching google comes up with a lot of people troubleshooting application crashes, but no info on what version of the CLR it really is.



这是一个的烤成C字符串:\ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ wer.dll,Windows错误报告的支持DLL。这是硬codeD所以你需要跟程序员真的知道什么是应该的意思。 公共语言运行库版本2.0修订版3是一个很好的猜测任何与否则没有很好的提示是什么修订版3的解释是:。也许微软内部的一个内部设计文档​​。

That's a string that's baked into c:\windows\system32\wer.dll, the Windows Error Reporting support dll. It is hard-coded so you'd need to talk to the programmer to really know what it was supposed to mean. "Common Language Runtime version 2.0 revision 3" is a good a guess as any with otherwise no good hint what "revision 3" is supposed to mean. Probably an internal design document inside Microsoft.

您可以通过P10值从this回答。只要确保它永远不会得到这么远,太有用的调试信息由时间WER获取其手中的崩溃丢失。写一个事件处理程序AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException和日志或显示e.ExceptionObject.ToString的值()。 Environment.Exit(),以prevent WER从得到一个嗤之以鼻的。

You can get more info about the P1 through P10 values from this answer. Just make sure that it never gets this far, too much useful debugging info is lost by the time WER gets its hands on the crash. Write an event handler for AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException and log or display the value of e.ExceptionObject.ToString(). Environment.Exit() to prevent WER from getting a sniff at it.

这篇关于&是什么QUOT; CLR20r3"代表? (什么版本的CLR的是)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 02:01