我使用Ant与FDT 3,我有蚂蚁创建一个JSFL编译FLA的。当我使用内置的$ {BASEDIR}属性的蚂蚁它给了我反斜线(\\ )的路径,因为我是在Windows上。的问题是,当其通过JSFL斜线运行被作为逃逸。我需要知道如何修改BASEDIR属性,以便斜线转换为正斜杠。我试过在分裂的反斜杠在BASEDIR JSFL和前锋加盟这斜杠作为分隔符,但仍然反斜杠导致问题。
I'm using Ant with FDT 3 and I have Ant creating a jsfl to compile fla's. When I use the built in '${basedir}' property in Ant it gives me the path with backslashes(\
) in it because I'm on Windows. The problem is that when its run through jsfl the slashes are taken as escapes. I need to know how to modify the basedir property so the slashes are converted to forward slashes. I've tried splitting the basedir on backslashes in jsfl and joining it with forward slashes as a delimiter, but the backslashes still cause problems.
So what I need to know is how to change the basedir in Ant to have forward slashes?
You should be able to do it using the Ant pathconvert task.
Here's a rough example:
<path id="basedir.path">
<pathelement path="${basedir}" />
<pathconvert targetos="unix" property="basedir.unix" refid="basedir.path"/>
<echo message="${basedir.unix}" />
然后你可以使用 $ {basedir.unix}
代替 $ {BASEDIR}