使用公式,而不是 VBA,我想提出一个解决方案来拆分由多个单词组成的字符串.该公式应识别有大写字母的单词并将它们分开.结果将是一个字符串,其中的单词由,"分隔.
Using a formula, not VBA, I would like to come up with a solution to split a string composed of multiple words. The formula should recognize the words where there is a capital letter and separate them. The result would be a string where the words are separated by ",".
To clarify this is an example of the string:
Nursing StudentStudentNurseNursing School
Desired Result:
Nursing Student,Student,Nurse,Nursing School
I am trying the following formula but I can only isolate the first word:
要做到这一点,您将需要纯 VBA.创建一个自定义函数以在 1 个单元格中获取您想要的字符串.然后,如果需要,稍后再使用 Text to Columns.
To accomplish this, you will need pure VBA. Create a custom Function to get in 1 cell the string you want. Then, use Text to Columns later if you need it.
Public Function GET_STRING(ByVal ThisCell As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim MyPositions As String
Dim ArrPositions As Variant
For i = 2 To Len(ThisCell.Value) Step 1
If Mid(ThisCell.Value, i, 1) = UCase(Mid(ThisCell.Value, i, 1)) And _
Mid(ThisCell.Value, i, 1) <> " " And Left(Mid(ThisCell.Value, i - 1, 1), 1) <> " " Then MyPositions = MyPositions & i & ";"
Next i
ArrPositions = Split(Left(MyPositions, Len(MyPositions) - 1), ";")
For i = 0 To UBound(ArrPositions) Step 1
If i = 0 Then
GET_STRING = Left(ThisCell.Value, ArrPositions(i) - 1) & "," & Mid(ThisCell.Value, ArrPositions(i), ArrPositions(i + 1) - ArrPositions(i))
ElseIf i <> UBound(ArrPositions) Then
GET_STRING = GET_STRING & "," & Mid(ThisCell.Value, ArrPositions(i), ArrPositions(i + 1) - ArrPositions(i))
GET_STRING = GET_STRING & "," & Mid(ThisCell.Value, ArrPositions(i), Len(ThisCell.Value) - ArrPositions(i) + 1)
End If
Next i
End Function
当我在 excel 上使用它时我得到了什么
What I get when i use it on excel