我正在尝试在Rails 3中缓存一个昂贵的查询,该查询可在整个站点的多个请求中重复使用。
I'm trying to cache an expensive query that is reused in several requests throughout the site in Rails 3.
When a user clicks a table to view reports or when a user clicks to view a map or when a user clicks to print something, this query is performed:
reports.where{(time > my{range.begin}) & (time < my{range.end})}
It's an expensive query that can result in thousands of records. I want to cache it so after the first time it is called, it is stored in the cache until one of the records in the query is modified (e.g. updated).
Rails.cache.fetch('time_reports') { reports.where{(time > my{range.begin}) & (time < my{range.end})} }
TypeError (can't dump anonymous class #<Module:0x007f8f92fbd2f8>):
作为问题的一部分,我想知道是否使用Rails.cache.fetch还需要我在config / environments / production中添加以下内容。 rb:
As part of the question, I would like to know if using Rails.cache.fetch also requires me to add the following in config/environments/production.rb:
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, "cache-1.example.com", "cache-2.example.com" //obviously I would use my ip
You're trying to dump an Arel relation into your cache store, which unfortunately is not possible. You want to dump the resulting array, so do this instead:
Rails.cache.fetch('time_reports') { reports.where{(time > my{range.begin}) & (time < my{range.end})}.all }
Rails.cache.fetch('time_reports') { reports.where{(time > my{range.begin}) & (time < my{range.end})}.to_a }
That will cause the relation to become a real array, which you can store in memcached as per normal.