Hellow in my 2 classes i have a doubt about the allocation in FormLoad.
In the code below ,i have doubt about Line A, Line B,Line C and line D
i need your fine comment.
MyLine[] MyRealLine;//<---- Globalley declared
in FormLoad i wrote
MyRealLine = new MyLine[100];
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
MyRealLine[i] = new MyLine();
MyRealLine[i].NPOINT = new int(); //<----- Line A (is this code line neccery ? )
MyRealLine[i].NSIDE = new int();//<----- Line B (is this code line neccery ? )
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
MyRealLine[i].PNT = new point[100];
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++)
MyRealLine[i].PNT[j] = new point();
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
MyRealLine[i].SIDE = new MySide[100];
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++)
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j] = new MySide();
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j].NAME=new string();//<----- Line C (if line A and B required is required what about this string ? )
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j].SIDESTRINGLINE=new string();//<----- Line D (if line A and line B required what about this string ?)
class MyLine
private string name;
private int npoint, nside;
private MySide[] side = new MySide[100];
private point[] pnt = new point[100];
public MyLine() { }
public MyLine(string Xname, int Xnpoint, int Xnside, MySide[] Xside, point[] Xpnt)
NAME = Xname;
NPOINT = Xnpoint;
NSIDE = Xnside;
SIDE = Xside;
PNT = Xpnt;
private void allocate()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
SIDE[i] = new MySide();
PNT[i] = new point();
public string NAME { get { return name; } set { name = value; } }
public int NPOINT { get { return npoint; } set { npoint = value; } }
public int NSIDE { get { return nside; } set { nside = value; } }
public MySide[] SIDE { get { return side; } set { side = value; } }
public point[] PNT { get { return pnt; } set { pnt = value; } }
class MySide
private string name, sidestringline;
public MySide() { }
public MySide(string Xname, string Xsidestringline)
NAME = Xname;
SIDESTRINGLINE = Xsidestringline;
public string NAME { get { return name; } set { name = value; } }
public string SIDESTRINGLINE { get { return sidestringline; } set { sidestringline = value; } }
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j].NAME ="";
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j].SIDESTRINGLINE = "";
Purists will tell you to use this instead:
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j].NAME = string.Empty;
MyRealLine[i].SIDE[j].SIDESTRINGLINE = string.Empty;
But the MSDN documentation says they are equivalent, and the first version is a lot clearer!
BTW: Please don't use all upper case for property names: there are Standards which describe what names should be, and properties should start with an uppercase and the rest should be CamelCase:
public string SideStringLine { get { return _SideStringLine; } set { _SideStringLine = value; }