





我认为创建用户或组需要 admin 权限。 该用户组除创建,编辑和删除用户组外,没有其他管理员权限。 alfresco是否在alfresco社区4.0c中提供这种组?我该如何实施?如何添加具有指定权限的新组?

I think creating users or groups require admin permission. This user group does not have other admin permission except creating, editing and deleting user,group. Does alfresco provide this kind of group in alfresco community 4.0c? How can I implement it? How to add a new group with specified permission? I really appreciate for help.


您可以在 permissionDefinitions.xml ,但在这种情况下,我认为这不会有所帮助,因为创建用户和组的能力以及其他管理操作都与内置管理员角色紧密关联。

You could add a custom role in permissionDefinitions.xml but I don't think that would help in this instance, since the ability to create users and groups plus the other administrative actions are hard-wired to the built-in administrators role.


Instead, you could create a custom web script which performs a check to see if the current user is a member of your custom security group. Since the authenticated user may not be a repository admin (and probably isn't) then you would need to use something like this Sudo tool for Alfresco webscripts to temporarily give them permission to create the objects.

您需要具备Java Webscript开发的能力才能实现这一点。在线Alfresco Wiki,文档和培训材料上有一些不错的资源。

You would need to be competent in Java webscript development in order to implement this. There are some good resources on the Alfresco wiki, documentation and training materials available online.


08-15 00:37