


My excel file holds 30-40 pivot tables and its taking too long to update it all. Is there a way I can update it with just a push of a button using VBA macro?


It would be nice if I could assign a shortcut key for this macro to refresh all the pivots. One shot deal, maybe?


在Excel 2007和2010中,您可以通过按 Ctrl + Alt + F5 来更新它们.
Ben Michael Oracion发布了VBA代码,他没有发布的是,如果要在触发 RefreshAll 后运行一行VBA代码,可能会导致错误.由于这个原因,我事先将 BackGroundQuery 属性设置为 False .

In Excel 2007 and 2010 you can update them by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F5.
Ben Michael Oracion has posted the VBA code, what he didn't post is that if you want to run a single line of VBA code after the RefreshAll is triggered it may cause a bug. For this very reason I set the BackGroundQuery property to False beforehand.

Dim piv As PivotCache
For Each piv In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches 'beállítja hogy ne legyen háttérben frissítés, így nem fut bug-ra
    piv.BackgroundQuery = False

ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll 'Frissít minden pivotot (és táblát)


08-15 00:24